


4 months, 18 days ago



"Mama, the prehistoric deity of Odo Island, once basked in the reverence of its people, born from their offerings and worship. Over epochs, the island's peace flourished until the cataclysmic eruption of Mount Hōka. Mistaking the volcano's activity for a rival beast, Mama plunged into the molten pit, entombing her deep within the surface. For a millennia of dormancy, she absorbed the earth's energy to thrive and evolve into an unstoppable force. Awakened by unwitting researchers, Mama emerged, her once-nurturing spirit now twisted by centuries of molten solitude. With scorched veins and a heart pulsating with the earth's rage of being forgotten, she now wreaks havoc upon the world, a haunting reminder of an ancient bond severed by the inferno's embrace."

Mama, standing at a formidable 50 meters, possesses a robust and weathered dark grey exterior adorned with rough reptilian scales. Large, brown jagged dorsal plates, reminiscent of maple leaves, span from the tip of her tail to her head, presenting a chipped and uneven appearance liken to that of wood. A layer of green moss and fauna highlight her back and dorsal plates. Sharp, stubby claws in a darker shade accentuate her large arms and five-fingered hands, complemented by powerful legs and five-toed feet. Sharp, decayed teeth line within her mammalian-shaped mouth, with a distinctive dark spot on her snout.
 Completing her face is her glowing, shiny amber eyes, lacking pupils, almost as if the sun was rested in her sockets. In the event that her heat ray is used, the veins within Mama's dorsal plates illuminate with a burning orange glow, with the inside of her mouth radiating a pure amber light. Upon unleashing the concentrated flame from her mouth, surroundings are engulfed by the same fiery hue. Post-attack, Mama experiences a brief period of hypersalivation, secreting a lava-like bodily fluid from her mouth that serves to expel excess heat.

Mama excels in physical combat, utilizing her sharp claws and powerful tail to her advantage. Defensively, she can eject her dorsal plates as impromptu projectiles, temporarily impaling threats that may attack her from behind. Her paralyzing venom, delivered through her unyielding bite force, is particularly effective for incapacitating limbs. This venom takes full effect within minutes upon injection, and lasts several hours before the victim regains control. Bites targeting the neck and head often prove to be fatal, the outcome contingent on the volume of venom injected. Her distinctive heat ray, used sparingly due to its energy consumption, emits a concentrated flame that melts and scalds anything in its path. This flame exerts electromagnetic radiation, disrupting any radio and electronic sources in its vicinity.

Originally a common prehistoric creature inhabiting the Pacific haven of Odo Island, Mama was propelled into divine status when she intervened to protect the human inhabitants from another territorial beast. Revered as their guardian deity, Mama garnered offerings and worship, evolving physically and emotionally through the symbiotic relationship with the village. Over generations, she defended the territory, ensuring peace and safety for the villagers in return for their abundant gifts. Her nurturing nature extended especially to the children, who would begin to call her "Mama." However, tragedy struck when volcanic activity forced the island's evacuation, leading to Mama's entrapment within the erupting volcano. Absorbing the molten energy, she underwent physical alterations and hibernated for millennia. Awakened by modern researchers tampering with artifacts left behind, Mama emerged from hibernation with newfound devastating powers, panic ensuing across the present day humanity that was now oblivious to her ancient origins.

Originally a defensive predator driven by survival instincts, Mama evolved to become deeply connected to ancient humanity via generations of their symbiotic relationship. Her interactions with the villagers nurtured a spectrum of empathetic behavior foreign to the nature of her species. However, alongside these compassionate emotions, Mama also began to grapple with deeper negative emotions such as grief and rage. These conflicting emotions reached a crescendo upon her reawakening in the 21st century, where she found herself bewildered and threatened by the new world who felt the same towards her existence, reigniting her primal roots of aggression and predatory instinct that were deeply heightened from her evolved comprehension of the world around her.

While she is intended to be an incarnation of Godzilla, hence the nickname "MamaGoji" for discussions outside of canon, the title of Godzilla itself does not apply to her character in universe. Her canon name "Mama" was given to her by the ancient children of Odo Island due to her nurturing behavior towards them. Outside of its canon meaning, "Mama" was also given to her for its resemblance to magma, as well as a the intention for her to be a twist on the idea of a tangible, living Mother Nature.