Eurydice Rodia



7 months, 18 days ago


I still need to flesh out Eurydice's backstory, but I fully intend to update this once I do.

Eurydice Rodia is betrothed to Orpheus Linard. The two are starcrossed lovers, pulled apart and pushed back together at various parts of their lives. Eurydice and Orpheus are both artists, with Eurydice mainly working in paints and sculptures and Orpheus in writing music and poetry. Eurydice's aptitude in the painterly world gives way to recognition by the Castle, looking for a skilled artist to cover up the old paintings on the ceilings of the Castle with new frescoed paintings representing the Era of Tranquility brought about by the Councilor, the Mother and Father.

Excited by her new reputable profession, Eurydice takes great pride and care in creating these paintings, going so far as to make her own paints from flowers, fruits and other plants. She becomes very well-acquainted with the local flora, accepting a local job as a florist when she is not at the Castle. However, her gig as a florist is short-lived, with the Castle demanding she work from sunrise to sunset. Bitter about not being able to pursue her new interest, Eurydice spends her nights sneaking around both in and outside of the Castle.

She returns to Orpheus in the night, often only being able to meet him at a local bar, The Pomegranate Tree. Orpheus has begun making a name for himself through his recited poetries and through a band he has joined. She watches from the corner of the bar, afraid to be recognized and reported to the Castle for leaving, and barely being able to see her beloved from this far away. She watches him anyway, content in just being able to hear his music.

In one of her nightly adventures, she is approached by what she later recognizes as Soul Hunters, an group of vigilantes determined to restore true order to Canaan by extracting souls from those they deem unworthy of them. She is given an ultimatum: join their order or lose her soul. She declines at first, unknowing of the true horror of being soulless. The Soul Hunters take her incomprehension as defiance, to which they then threaten Orpheus's soul. Not wanting any harm to come to him, and though she does not know the consequences of soullessness, she agrees and begins her initiation as a Soul Hunter.

Initiation is very painful, having her own soul removed and reinstated repeatedly by her own hand at the instruction of other Soul Hunters. She learns quickly how it feels to be soulless, and realizes she never wants that fate to capture Orpheus. She also learns how to extract souls efficiently, rising the ranks of the Soul Hunters, and being given missions to recruit more people to their order.

By day, Eurydice is an ideal woman, devoted to Orpheus and an adept painter whose skills rewarded her with a place in Castle Canaan.

By night, Eurydice is a terrifying Soul Hunter, with ears on the inside of the Castle and giving private information to higher-ups in the order.

One night, Eurydice is tasked with tracking down Ares Kantor, an accomplice to the False Prophet. Believing the False Prophet to be a traitor to the people of Canaan at large, Eurydice accepts this mission. She is determined to stop any of the False Prophet's attempts to bring discord to the people of Canaan.

She tracks down Ares as a bartender at The Pomegranate Tree. Knowing that he will likely be surrounded by witnesses until the bar closes, Eurydice hides in an alley, and waits to strike.

Eurydice corners Ares in the alleyway and gives him an ultimatum not unlike that of her own: denounce the False Prophet and join the Soul Hunters, or lose his soul. He laughs in her face at that, telling her that his soul is long gone. She then threatens his friend, Alec, whom is the owner of The Pomegranate Tree. Ares agrees quickly to join her at that, bringing him back to the Soul Hunters to begin his initiation.

Though she knows little of Ares's initiation, Eurydice becomes somewhat of a mentor to Ares, and his ability surpasses even her own. Ares's proficiency leads him to become widely known as the Soul Thief, a dangerous shadow who extracts not only souls, but teeth from his victims. Those teeth are kept on a wire around his neck, and she becomes able to hear when he is around by the sound of teeth knocking together.

After hearing a show from outside of The Pomegranate Tree, Eurydice waits for Orpheus. The bar closes, with the last of the patrons exiting, all in varying degrees of drunkenness. Orpheus meets Eurydice, embracing her and excited to tell her all about what she has missed in her long nights as a Soul Hunter, though her status as a Hunter is unknown to Orpheus, who assumes that she stays late in the Castle to work on her paintings.

In their reunion, Orpheus mentions his bandmates, one being Alec, whom Eurydice already knew was the barkeep. However, to her horror, Orpheus also mentions his other bandmate, the lead singer, is none other than Ares Kantor, her apprentice in the order.

Though Ares is not told why at first, Eurydice makes it a point afterward to become civil to Ares in their work as Soul Hunters. She protects him from the more violent members of the Soul Hunters, and the two become close friends, finding comfort in their platonic relationship. Eventually, Eurydice reveals to him that she is the fiancée of Orpheus, his bandmate.

One day, Eurydice hears news within Castle Canaan of a man being heard in the Castle Court, a Soul Judgment. The defendant is none other than Orpheus Linard. Running to the Court and hiding in the wings, Eurydice witnesses as Orpheus, whom has committed theft, is sentenced to soullessness and the death of his physical body. His soul is removed in front of her, and his body is taken to the Castle Doctor to be put to death.

Eurydice is privy to many Castle secrets, one of which being the Soul Keep, a collection of souls from the criminals of Canaan. She leaves the Court undetected, determined to rescue Orpheus's soul. She waits until nightfall to enter the Soul Keep. Though there is an extensive amount of souls in apothecary-style vessels, she is able to find Orpheus's by the loving energy it extends to her.

Using her knowledge of soul manipulation from her experience as a Soul Hunter, Eurydice extracts Orpheus's soul from the vessel and into her own body. She can feel the energy of Orpheus within her, and she makes a promise to him that she will find a soulless human body that will act as a physical vessel for his soul. She leaves the Soul Keep to find Ares.

When she finds him, she demands that he take her to Alec, whom she knows was also important to Orpheus. Upon meeting Alec, he tells Eurydice that he had already heard about the fate of Orpheus, finding the ruling unfair. What he does not know, that she reveals to both Ares and Alec, is that Eurydice contains both Orpheus's and her own souls and that she intends to find a vessel for Orpheus's soul so that they might be reunited and married.

Ares and Eurydice join forces outside of the Soul Hunters, determined to destroy the Castle from the inside out. Eurydice begins to make the paints she uses within the Castle out of toxic flora, knowing eventually it will start to kill anyone in the Castle who is around it for too long, including herself. Ares also sets off on his own mission to sneak into the Castle Library to steal forbidden texts so that he can bring them to a woman named Jumper, knowing that his status as the Soul Thief makes him virtually untouchable.

Eurydice watches with delight as members of the Council within the Castle begin to fall ill with a sickness she herself has sown.