


4 months, 23 days ago



Floating Head (1st Ani Event)

Feathered Tufts (Deviant)

Day 8:

Not sure a name yet, but the concept I’m thinking of is:

Resident of the Echoing Hollows, and like most of their kin there, they are big on sticking their nose into others’ business and getting the latest hot goss–the more scandalous and forbidden, the better. It matters not if it’s from local bats or bats of higher renown; they want to know it all, and hoard and use that knowledge for their own purposes, either for bargaining or simply the enjoyment of seeing a person laid completely bare. Their contracts work similarly; their price is the most shameful, forbidden, or even dangerous piece of knowledge about the human, things that might shatter relationships, get them locked up…or worse.

They’re kind of a ‘peddler’ of knowledge, and tend to get around collecting it, from Yh’till to the Wastes to the Northlands and everything in between. Charismatic, sly, appreciates a good joke, a bit unsettling to look at. Pretty friendly, though you should be wary just by default.

Day 9:

My bat probably likes going out to bars and clubs, places where there’s alcohol flowing and inhibitions lowering. Aside from enjoying the social aspects of it, they like using those as main hubs for finding the latest gossip and going-ons. You’d be surprised what sort of dirt people will share with enough alcohol loosening their tongues…

Aside from that, they enjoy gambling, playing card games (more like poker and less like Yu-Gi-Oh), and stopping by the local craft store to get extra skeins for their knitting projects; usually has several of them going at once and flits around when the mood strikes.

Likes sassing people, warm temperatures, black licorice
Dislikes being ‘responsible’, overly religious people, the texture of coconut

Day 10:

My bat hails from the Echoing Hollows, though at this point in time they like to oscillate between Yh'till and Manam'un for 'residence', which is a house located far off the beaten path, away from most prying eyes; a remnant of their days spend among the whispering trees. You wouldn't really know where they live unless they lead you there, and that's only if you're close enough to them. It blends into the foliage pretty well; may or may not have a little Wonder magic to keep it less visible.

Day 11: Their first Allegory was something incredibly petty, but gave them the thirst to find the ugly underbelly that exists in everyone. A woman in love, but mistrustful of her lover, stemming mostly from a deep seated insecurity. In a drunken haze, she told them of all of her woes, her fears that she wasn't enough for him, that he might have found someone better. She wished she could know exactly what he thought of her and if anyone was involved, and sensing an opportunity, they told her she would get her exact wish... in exchange for the most ugly, shameful memories she has about him and her insecurities. She revealed all quite easily as drunk as she was, and in return, they revealed her lover's innermost thoughts. Unfortunately, they did so by linking their minds, so while she could see everything about him, he could see everything about her. And as he got a glimpse into her true thoughts, looked at her peeled back into the very core, she saw his in turn; that he found her lacking, thought his nanny was more attractive and was planning to leave her. And he saw that she thought he was stupid and someone to settle for and that maybe if she thought higher of herself, she'd be more confident to go after someone better.

The fight was legendary, and they got a front row seat to a brutal fight that ended in them splitting up and her slapping him across the face. It was so fun that they knew they were hooked.

Day 12:

They'll visit the surface, but it's mostly for 'business', as it were. Not really one to stick around and take in the sights unless their newest contract is interesting enough that they'll want to spend time prying them of whatever secret or forbidden knowledge they might possess. You'll most likely find them around places of learning or whatever sort of bar or club is around, just like underneath the surface; the former because people of learning tend to have a zeal for it and will pursue it tirelessly (usually to the detriment of themselves), and those kind of people like looking for knowledge and secrets more 'off the books'; and the latter because humans don't know how to be quiet when drunk, which they use to their advantage.

Day 13:

Not exactly a 'connection', per se, since they don't really stick around long enough to get attached to things on the surface, but they've been around the local watering holes enough that some humans have taken to calling them the 'demon of drunken deals', and frankly, that delights them enough that they'll pop up every now and again for shits and giggles. Even though it's rarely for longer than a day they'll appear, they're a big fan of fruit, especially apples and pomegranates. Some humans looking to make a deal with them use them as lures, and it works embarrasingly well.

Day 14:

 I feel they have a certain sort of inherent respect for the gods, like something written deep in the veins of their Wonder. They might not have been around during or before the Refraction, but something in them makes them hold their tongue in deference when it comes to talking about them. The religious bats, on the other hand, the factions they have no respect for; they feel some be way too overzealous and everyone gets into way too many petty fights and arguments about it, and it just tires them. They might not be part of the temples and do more public worship, but they have their own sort of rituals they do privately. If you were to ask them about their beliefs, you'd get a vague sort of roundabout answer.