


6 years, 1 month ago


18 yrs old and works at the guccis with nate

170 cm, friends with luca thought nate go on friday beer meetings 

- seems like a very normal quiet girl tht works in a clothning store n has a bit funky teefs 

- is a vampire but doesnt need blood 2 live just any kind of pink sip 

- contrary 2 popular beliefs she lovs garlic bread 

- very sleepy a lot half bcs of her job half bcs insomnia is just a vampire thing

- dated a girl once but broke up when she found out shes vamp

- was very sad so she got 4 cats on impulse 2 mend her broken heart 

- doesnt regret it 2 yrs later

- always has gum w her n shares it w everyone shes cute

- parties n gets boys 2 buy her juice bcs she doesnt get paid much

- laughs w loud

- kinda has bad manners but shes not rude just an awkward vamp girlie that doesnt know what to do in fancy situations

- very pale but blushes very hard when she does so shes either pasty white or tomato red with no inbetween and she hates it, insecure abt it n has tried getting sun tan a lot but nothing much happens cuz shes a vampire

- her ears r usually normal shaped but get a bit pointier when she drinks red juices or blood (she doesnt rlly drink it but if she did) n also when she gets very angry or very sad but not all the time

 cat info!! 


- fat russian blue kinda thing not rlly that but idk the breed name 

- very dumb n does the funny cat things n she prolly films it n send to her friends to make them laugh

- blepping 80% of the time


- very pretty tabby

- plays less than the others shes kind of a fancy girl that likes to nap n not be messy

peaches - very floofy - very affectionate n always follows alissa around n meows so he gets pets

- gets sad when shes gone from home too long :^(

- in summers he gets hot so he pants n its cute cat 4


- fancy girl nr2 

- only eats vry expensive canned foods