Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:




5ca9c9ea.gif?v=d55ea43dI'm an adult. My profile is for 15+ audiences only!

5ca9c9ea.gif?v=d55ea43d Potentially triggering content is tagged appropriately. If you need me to tag a certain subject/image, let me know.

5ca9c9ea.gif?v=d55ea43d Please do not ask if certain characters of mine are up for sale or trade if they are not explicitly listed as such. Most of the characters listed are for my own personal comfort or for stories I tell.

5ca9c9ea.gif?v=d55ea43d My profile theme is bright and colorful - albeit not in a 'rainbow brightly-saturated flashing colors' way. Tried my best to accommodate for my own sensitivity to clashing colors when designing it, but that being said, my profile theme may potentially cause eyestrain.

5ca9c9ea.gif?v=d55ea43d Don't interact with me if you're proship/comship/anti-anti or condone or fetishize any similar ideals. Also zionists/lgbt exclusionists/transphobes/bigots in general can get away from me.

5ca9c9ea.gif?v=d55ea43d I'm okay with people following me if you draw nsfw/kink, but if you solely draw nsfw content, I'd rather you interact with me on a sfw alt. With my followers being 15+, I don't want to expose them to that content.


Character Content Warning

This character profile has been marked with a content warning:


this character contains elements of body horror, specifically mouth/teeth related body horror.

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