


4 months, 1 day ago


Whoever says the sky is the limit is utterly idiotic! The sky is just the beginning of something greater. 

General Summary

Tsarazal, alternatively known as Tsar, serves as a Foot Soldier for the Xarron military, at the current position of Minor given their recency of enlistment. At an age of 24 he's rather young but not too inexperienced. Most of their life thus far has been used working steadily to accumulate a significant amount of wealth, jumping from practice to practice in order to maximize their returns. But after years of toiling at various industries at a myriad of civilian positions, they've concluded that the "safe and steady" life doesn't do it for them. The gains are simply too low. Preferring high returns for "high" risks, he's come onto the battlefield in the pursuit of further power, the rapid rise of reputation calling from afar. 

With a very idealistic and self assured personality, Tsar strides through life with confidence, a stranger to hesitation. Though they can seem rather impulsive at times, every action they take is a calculated risk, mentally weighing the costs to the potential gains for every decision that calls for it. Such a vibe only stems from her tendency to consistently put herself in precarious situations as a chronic risk taker. With the ultimate goal of rising in power, position, and possessions to as far as they can possibly see, there is very little Tsar would not do if they thought it would benefit them. Thus, they are very driven, but also mildly morally bankrupt. He is not beyond kissing up to superiors, nor is he beyond throwing others under the bus. So long as the end result is a net gain for her, all is well in her mind. Though, they are particularly protective of what they perceive as belonging to them. 

Appearance-wise, Tsar stands at a rather tall 6'10, with quite lanky proportions. Their arms swing heavily to their sides, with particularly large claws, donning multiple rings of gold. His long hair is tied down as a ponytail, reaching to about the hips. His face is most commonly in a cheeky little grin, showing off white sharp teeth, bar a single gold one. Her pupil-less eyes take on a bold emerald hue, shining at the prospect of opportunity. Their head is adorned with a multitude of decorated horns, though notably, one is cracked off. She has a rather long tail, constantly snaking about behind her. Chains of gold hang off it, as a further testament to their possession of wealth.  

His armor is gold. They like gold, if it wasn't apparent enough. Symbolic of wealth, symbolic of possession, and symbolic of systemic power. What's not to like?
And gender? Fluid.


Tsar's manifest is an ultimate act of free exchange, properly dubbed "Charity". Charity allows for them to convert their own possessions into "donations", which they must give to others. Such donations embody a very broad list of possibilities, ranging from an action, to a physical object, to an effect. The only restrictions placed upon it is that what they sacrifice must be something they unequivocally consider "their own property", and that what they create must be given to another being. If they employ Charity to create something for themself, it will quickly disappear, taking away both what they sacrificed, and whatever they made with it.

Though, Tsar does find loopholes through this. They cannot make themselves stronger, for that is a gift upon themself. However, they can compound an attack with multiplicative force, "gifting" the opponent with that force. The definition of donation is clearly stretched, but such is the exploitation of the rules to attain greater potential that Tsar enjoys. 

The strength of action/effect or worth of the object that they are able to create with Charity scales with the the intrinsic worth of the object being sacrificed, as well as the extrinsic personal value Tsar themself puts on that object. As an additional effect to the manifest, objects that they consider their own which are kept on their person will channel their umbra, and make such objects resistant to damage. 

They cannot donate a living being to charity

Tsar's manifest seems like it would go against their inherently avaricious nature, but it's more-so reflective of their capacity and willingness to take risks in the pursuit of something greater.
Putting their wealth into constant action, their greed is a product of wanting more in order to do more.