


3 months, 28 days ago


she / her
SPECIES | Feline
AGE | Sixteen Moons
RANK | Healer Fledgling
Affiliation | Tribe of Starlit Skies
BUILD | Munchkin
HEIGHT | 6.0"
SCENT | Vanilla
KEYWORDS | Black silver ticked tortoiseshell tabby
AESTHETIC | a frail dove. a deer in fate's headlights.
DESIGN NOTES | Please give careful attention
  • Eye Color. On Full and Half-Moons at moonhigh, her eyes change to a glittering aquarmine.
  • Pupils. Her pupils are brilliant gold and glow when near anything/anyone affiliated with the Darkness.
  • Blood. She bleeds light, pure white in color.
  • Feature. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • Item name. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • Item name. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • Item name. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Medium-sized clingy she-cat with medium-length, black silver tortoiseshell ticked tabby bicolor fur and pale blue / bright yellow eyes. Sectoral heterochromia. Munchkin. Eyes of Fate.

Write a longer blurb here, to get into the nitty gritty. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum sit amet velit felis. Phasellus molestie vestibulum viverra. Etiam a erat tortor. Ut risus orci, suscipit vel orci id, vulputate porttitor ante. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae.

Vestibulum efficitur fermentum dui nec scelerisque. Mauris vestibulum id nisi placerat interdum. Quisque vel lacus odio. Curabitur nec enim ut felis semper sagittis sit amet sed turpis. In libero eros, malesuada non neque nec, congue vehicula turpis. Nullam dapibus ut neque sed ullamcorper.

Aenean quis lacus sapien. Aenean ex arcu, efficitur ac venenatis a, rhoncus eget nisi. Nam placerat quam at felis volutpat, eu tincidunt ligula auctor. Curabitur ornare urna vitae lectus placerat tincidunt. Maecenas facilisis id orci non cursus. Integer in tempus nibh, in sagittis mauris. Donec ornare velit sed iaculis volutpat.

POSITIVE | Warm-hearted. Empathetic. Gentle. Devoted.
NEUTRAL | Worrisome. Timid. Compliant. Clingy.
NEGATIVE | People-pleaser. Easily Scared. Codependent. Paranoid.

Of mice and moths, there lies among them a young feline bearing the name Utopia – how ironic, for kit struck so heavily by misfortune. There’s no such utopia surrounding her, only a harsh and freezing world, that she can only survive in thanks to her blessing of her brother. The dim light Abyss provides is her lifeline, something Utopia can never allow to slip out of her grasp. Darkness silences her, fills her throat and lungs so no words can escape unless in the presence of Abyss. It goes without saying, perhaps, that she can be somewhat clingy. What a web is to a spider, he is to young Utopia. Though the silk may be feeble and thin, she relies upon it for a sense of comfort, the one and only safety net she believes herself to have.

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Her attachment is harmless, perhaps even charming at first glance, but webs often do not last for long.. as the days pass, most are left to the whims of nature in the favor of another, but Utopia holds tightly to Abyss, never daring to take the risk of development on her own. She’s a silkless arachnid, devoid of the ability and willingness to grow – and it isn’t only her who suffers from it. Over-reliance is all too present in her relationship with Abyss, and would come to be a recurring theme in any close bonds she may be fortune enough to form. It bears on her and it bears on the other, no matter how loving Utopia’s intentions may be. Paranoia, always paranoia, glues her to others and seems never to let up. However, it raises the question: what could helpless Utopia do were they so forceful torn from her? Only time could tell, and tell it will.

tell me the story about how the sun loved the moon so much that he died every night, just to let her breath.

It is the same paranoia that dims and torments Utopia in her dreams, just as vividly as it does in the daylight – if not more. Dreams of familiarities she can’t quite grasp onto, nightmares that leave her in sobs, wailing the name North as a banshee might. Good or ill wishes matters not to little she-kit when it comes to her nightmares. She would never utter a word that might disperse the questions around it. A deer in headlights, Utopia shuts down truly when the subject is brought up. Her eyes widen and gaze averts, her whole body motionless save for a slight tremble until it’s dismissed as though it were never brought up at all. The reasons for her silence are veiled by thick fogs – perhaps even to Utopia herself.

Silken wings, frail and flightless. Utopia’s path is one littered with both roses and thorns – tragedy and melancholy dwell unseen in her shadow, but whether she’ll find a warm light to extinguish it remains for the loom of fate to decide.

  • Sister of Abyss, no other direct kin
  • Selectively mute, often goes moons without speaking
  • Healer omen was a luna moth
  • Not born in the Tribe, found on the border alongside Abyss

An original Memory Seeker reincarnated. Once born to Cepheus, the original Seer of the Mooncrest, Utopia was known as Columba, alongside two siblings - Lepus and Caelum. The trio were the first litter to be born in the Mooncrest. The grew while regarded as a sliver of hope, until it was discovered all three were blind, and thus could not survive in the mountains.

Despite their mother losing hope in them, Cepheus remained determined. It was discovered that although each lacked sight, they bore an exceptionally strong connection with their spirit ancestors. Through the voices of the past, they could predict and warn of threats to come, and thus became the first to be titled Memory Seekers.

The Ellipse is the closest thing to what she would consider family. Selected to be train as a healer shortly after initially being promoted to a fledgling and begging with Moonlit Skyfall for mercy, Utopia sees the Ellipse as a safe haven - the sanctuary that accepted her when she had nowhere else to run.

Though she doesn't recognize it herself, Utopia treats and perceives them as she would true family, only a step below Everlasting Abyss. Brilliant Shine is her kind-hearted mentor and previously sister, Lepus, reincarnated. Gentle Rain is an almost motherly figure, an embrace she feels safe within. River is akin to a brother or dear friend, one she learns alongside and the first non-family member Utopia is able to speak aloud to.

STATUS | alive
WORTH | priceless