The Reporter



Basic Info




Cooper, Harold [H.C]

Employee ID:


Suit Name:




Date of Hire:

6 Months Ago

Hiring Manager:



Latest Scoop, Skyline views, Burning The Midnight Oil, Old Noir Films.


Old News, Shiftlessness, Misinformation


Personal Statement:

"Here's de scoop about myself, I'm quick on my feet when it comes tuh de latest in anythin'. Yuh want someone tuh catch de latest in news, or Maybe even de latest about others? How about de latest when it comes tuh de company? I'm your guy! I can wawhk long hawhs wit'out any hassle and I like tuh tink I am pretty good at what I do. Yuh got me so fahr? It doesn't hurt tuh have mawh suits gadderin' intel on de ground or perhaps behind de scenes where it's hard fawh de average bein' tuh reach. Ya' dig? I am very confident about once I have secured a posishun here dat toony problem of yawhs will be old news!"     

Disciplinary Records:

Slacking Off, 1 week ago (latest)
Was caught not fulfilling his duties by talking to co-workers.

  • Was given a verbal warning as a result

Robot Resources Complaint, 3 mo ago

  • Concerns were brought up when it comes to Mr. Cooper's behavior and his need to "catch the latest" scoop. At the expense of others.
  • He was brought in to talk about this behavior. He assured everyone in the meeting that he wouldn't do this again going forward.
  • No official warning was issued.

Emplyment History:

  • Journalist at Spotlight Co. for 10 years.
  • Editor-in-Chief at Spotlight Co. for 2 years.


  • Confident
  • Great at getting Info
  • Dedicated
  • Observant


  • Way to Nosey
  • Compulsive
  • Venal
  • Extreme in how he reacts or does things

Additional Notes:

  • He is really good at getting information that benefit C.O.G.S.
  • He works really well with Mx. Quint, the two working together wouldn't be a bad idea.
  • Asked to be in an area that is away from Mr. Kuiper. When asked about this he refused to elaborate.

Opening Remarks:

"He talks really fast and breathlessly, but he seems pretty ambitious and confident about the way he carries himself."

"Very confident that is for sure."


"He worked as the Editor-in-Chief for a while at Spotlight Co. seems like he would work well with others in the company."

Closing Remarks:

"He talks a lot...But it was very interesting to learn about some of the behind the scenes in what he did prior here."

"He would be a pretty good fit here when it comes to keeping an extra eye and ear out when it comes to things. It doesn't hurt to have more suits to keep an extra eye on things when we are all busy."


  • Harold actually runs a small little show in C.O.G.S every morning and every night about the latest gossip that is going around.
  • Harold is a "Business Reporter", A business reporter is a journalist that reports on the economy and business developments.
  • His design was inspired by common fashion styles seen in the 50s and Journalists from the 40s.
  • [TBA]