


3 months, 10 days ago


Angelo Stein

Don't apologise, you're above that

Angelo or Angel as those it likes are allowed to call them, is a very strict person. It loves order and control but in his own unique way, which has often caused it to have some rather severe issues with authority. There are a few people that it's more then willing to bend for, though it will never willingly share what is different for those people, that means it allows this. He runs it's cafe with an iron fist, but it's still full of customers because his coffee is exceptional, especially the custom blends he will make for each and every customer if asked.

  • Eldest of three 'siblings'
  • Both loves and hates to be in charge
  • Is very good at flirting
  • Constantly exhausted
  • Forgets to sleep, lots
  • Big brother Energy
  • Though it is rather grumpy with it half the time
  • red circuits are a tattoo
  • mostly symmetrical design
  • arms aren't
  • white circuits are top scars
  • fingers are claws


Formal leaning either dark academia or barista vibes preferably


Often has watches on, sometimes has technology or heart themed jewelry

Body Markings

Markings are inspired by latte foam art with the black ones being gloves & boot themed


No one new Angel had a brother before he turned up, and it was the same on his borthers end. People don't know if they're actually related or if it's connected to the shared history the pair have with the company. The markings suggest it's biological, but the company would consider that, the same as any paperwork that could connect them. However, they seem more then happy with each other and their so called sibling status, so it's worth not trying to question it all.

The Shop

Angel adores the coffee shop it owns, considers it his pride and joy. It had always wanted to work in one, and when the opportunity to buy it came up, there was no way it would turn it down. Very defensive over the store and its staff, especially Moon who is too kind for her own good sometimes. Its prefered place is in the kitchen making orders and listening in to what's going on out front, though they will also happily take place behind the counter. The coffee is well known as very good, and will often be customised to the taste of every regular, it's unknown how Angel remembers exactly how to tweak each recipe for all of them.


Angelo is fond of it's regulars, they know how he works and don't cause any fuss. They like it likewise, enjoying how he customises for them without them even asking or knowing what preferences they want before hand.
They also like that they know what its actually like, that the formal cloths don't host a weak man who doesn't really know what they're doing. Its also learnt which of these regulars they can platonically flirt with and which ones they can't, always only flirting with regulars after he's established their boundries.




Worker / Friend



I'm Gonna Win - Rob Cantor