Dr. Ivanov



3 months, 4 days ago


Basic Information

Full Name: Dr. Mikhail Ivanov

Nickname(s): Dr. Ivanov, Matt

Age: Unknown, appears in his late 20's/early 30's.

Birthday: 31/12 (Capricorn)

Gender: Male


Sexuality: Possibly aromatic but would entertain the idea of a relationship for research purposes.

Nationality: Russian

Languages: Russian, English, Bulgarian, Ukrainian

Current Occupation: Biologist

District Origin: District 7


Dr Ivanov is notorious for his strange behaviour, while not as outwardly crazy and brash as Dr Burford, a scientist who bit his own finger off in a state of manic drug-induced paranoia, Dr Ivanov is seen as too friendly and calm. He's very slow to react to external stimuli when not provoked, often not reacting physically at all to having objects thrown at him or being touched. When attentive, Dr Ivanov can react with inhuman speeds, being able to accurately calculate the outcome of a situation whilst it's happening. He has a creepily welcoming and hospitable nature, being almost impossible to anger or make jealous. His outward lack of emotional range freaks people out so he's usually avoided unless they need not-so-legal medical assistance. Occasionally, when a new clone emerges, they may regain a sense of morality due to an experimental failure, these clones often express a deep horror and anguish for what they've done and it's up to the previous brood master or brood mates to dispose of them. Overall, Dr Ivanov is a friendly and welcoming person to guests and a cruel man who plays god to his experiments.

Positive Traits:


+Relaxed and calm demeanour


Negative Traits:

--Seems to be very 'out of it' all the time

--Unresponsive to certain emotions


Alignment: Neutral Evil

Mental Health (Disorders etc.):

Habits: -

Fears: Dr Ivanov lacks the mental capacity to feel fear most times, but when he does it's the fear of losing his existence entirely. 

Family: Little is known about Dr. Ivanov's family

Relationships (Past or Present):

Draven (Illegitimate son): Dr Ivanov received Draven as a child from an old work partner, who disappeared shortly after giving away his son. Ivanov cherishes Draven as if he were his own, being immensely proud of him even after he left the laboratory to delve into his own research field. 

Nier (Biological offspring): Dr Ivanov does little to acknowledge his actual son, Nier, who was a result of a failed cloning experiment. He'll often brush off his existence. 

Friendships (Past or Present):

Dr. Steiner: Dr Ivanov is highly fond of Dr Steiner, not only for his mastery in engineering and robotics but also because he finds his condition fascinating. Dr Ivanov regards Steiner as a dear friend.

Dr. Pale: Dr Ivanov finds Dr. Pale quite endearing, her reclusive behaviour and workaholic attitude makes her one of his favourite employees. 

Dr. Burford: Even if Dr. Burford is crazy and downright weird, Dr Ivanov regards him as one of his oldest friends and most trustworthy colleague. 

Enemies: Dr Ivanov believes he has no enemies


Height: 6'4


Overall description: Dr Ivanov never seems to have a 'fixed' appearance, his pupils will sometimes be too wide, arms longer than they should be. One day he'll have a full and attractive figure then will be emaciated the other. Generally, Dr Ivanov has pale skin, past shoulder length black hair with fixed rectangular glasses. His uniform consists of a black turtleneck, white laboratory coat with black slacks and matching work shoes. He has a lean body shape, but much more on the thinner side. 

Combat Information


Fighting Style/Type:

General Weaknesses:



Overall Backstory:



Playlist or Theme Song:
