


3 months, 27 days ago


Name: bonbon (like the sweet bonbon)

Age: like 13 or 15, somewhere around there.

Species: partially shiny eevee

Gender/pronouns: visibily a male eevee, but prefers she/her and they/them pronouns.

Sexuality: Benignosexual/demiromantic (Benignosexual is being attracted to those that are genuinely kind)

Has a purple scar on her left eye that was caused by a combination of a sevipers poison tail and a zangooses slash, she is unable to open it, but she can still see normally, so it doesnt bother her.

Is super afraid of needles, to the point she will lash out due to fear.

Is able to shift between any of the eeveelutions at will, and all her eeveelution forms retain her shiny spots and her scar.

Shiny spots can be anywhere on her body at any given moment, and none of her shiny spots ever seem to stay in the same place twice, however, the shiny heart on her head will never change at all, regardless of her form.

Is the blue oni and yang to mochis red oni and yin.

Pacifistic attitude keeps her from harming others, but even she has a limit.

Loves sweet berries, but hates bitter berries.

Has fangs like mochi does, but they are much less noticeable and quite shorter, just barely reaching below her mouth if its completely closed.

Has, or rather, had, heterocromea, her right eye being cyan colored, and her left eye was an emerald green color.

Fur has a faint scent of lavender.

Her and mochi usually share the same body, as mochi is a split personality, but the two of them are able to split apart into separate bodies.