Custom and halfbody for 4? I really love 4's design! <33

I’d accept your offer but i need you to finish the other art trade first! Until then I have to wait to accept!

No worries! Can you maybe put it on hold for me till i finish it if you're alright with it?

I’m willing to put it on hold for 2 weeks ^^

Sweet! I'll work on it after i'm finished working on my Starcasm carrd :3

Hi, so, I am looking at these and I was wondering if you’d take art or trades for them? I circled my faves.


Yes, I would take art offers or character trades for any (if any catch my eye). 

I’m  kind of tentative on 5,18, 19 and 30 though, so looking for higher art offers for those if i don’t find characters i like enough to trade them for!