


5 years, 9 months ago


Notice: Info on this profile might be outdated! Things may change as I update and move info to my personal website. If you came from Art Fight, the information on this character's Art Fight page is more up to date. Please refer to that.

Scanning in progress...
Male (He/him)
True Neutral
Researcher and bodyguard
Multi-tool Type
Experimental rifle
No Man's Sky
Monolith - 65daysofstatic
"Sometimes I think I must have a Guardian Idiot, eheu."

A Korvax lives its entire life connected to the Convergence, a small blip in the massive incorporial hivemind that most Korvax call their own. Of course, a Korvax may end up severed from the rest of their kin, either by choice or by pure accident. Lorenzo is one of these so called rogues. Once a part of many, he's now just himself. An anomaly.

Lorenzo travels with Vivian, the two being general nuisances in the galactic realm. Well, Vivian is, Lorenzo simply gets dragged along with her shenanigans. After losing his connection to the Convergence due to a near-death experience and subsequently being repaired and having his body upgraded by his dear Gek friend, Lorenzo has nowhere else to really go. So he sticks around to protect his pal and work on a massive catalogue of every single planet, animal, plant, and rock he encounters.

Lorenzo prefers exploration with the goal to find rare species as opposed to Vivian's exploration to plunder and sell. Sometimes it works out, and sometimes Lorenzo has to talk her out of getting into another poaching scheme. Oh well.

Irritable • Pessimistic • Organized

Lorenzo is fairly different from the majority of Korvax, on account of him actually having a personality. He can be irritable and often likes to be left alone to analyze flora samples and organize all of his notes and archived planetary data. He is not afraid to make his displeasure known and will usually make it a point to find something that will go wrong with whatever plan Vivian comes up with. Part of him wants to be impressed when the scheme actually work, and the other part just likes to complain. Lorenzo likes to stay organized, and is quite good at playing package jenga to fit everything in the spaceship storage. He's surprisingly good in combat and is quite stong physically, which is a plus against sentinels and aggresive fauna alike.


  • Exotic planets
  • Research
  • Organizing
  • Meteor showers

  • Other Korvax
  • The number 16
  • Rain
  • Bugs
Are you friend? Are you foe?

Lorenzo as he is known now is a recent creation caused by the severing of Entity ■■■■■ from the Korvax Convergence. He was previously part of an expedition team sent to planet Perogus-RX to research the detected reality breaches scattered across the planet. During this expedition, one of the members was attacked by an unknown anomalous creature and dragged into a breach before their companions could fend off the attacker and recover their body to assess the damage and install a new mind if need be. The breach acted as a one-way portal to the other end of the galaxy, dropping what would become Lorenzo's body on an unknown and uncharted planet. Due to the interference of the breach, Lorenzo was unable to reestablish a connection to the Convergence.

After an unknown amount of time, Lorenzo's broken body was discovered by Vivian. Originally assuming that she had stumbled upon an empty Korvax casing, Vivian hauled the hunk of rusted and deformed metal back to her temporary base. Her original intent was to pry him apart and salvage what she could to sell, but was shocked to see that the casing she found still contained small signs of electronic life. She had an idea, and got to work attempting to establish communication with the Korvax's core to double check she wasn't peeling apart someone who may still be alive. Lo and behold, after prying the core out and connecting it to her exosuit, Vivian began communications. Ecstatic that he could speak to someone again after the many, many years he spent attempting to call out to the Convergence, Lorenzo frantically begged Vivian to help him. She agreed, and began to rebuild a body for him.

Rebuilding Lorenzo's body was a rather lengthy process. Nearly all of his original body was damaged and warped beyond repair save for his head, an arm, and some piping. What followed was a lot of hunting for actually dead and abandoned casings of other Korvax, salvaging what the pair could, and taking the parts back to piece together to the best of Vivian's ability. Shockingly, it worked, and now Lorenzo walks again, with an extra set of arms to boot!

Of course, Lorenzo was never able to reconnect to his hivemind, likely due to permanent core damage caused by his little reality breach voyage. This is extremely distressing for any Korvax, and this also gets him labelled as an anomaly by the sentinels. Not that the sentinel part makes things much different for Vivian. The pair now travels together, just two polar opposite anomalous pals who are constantly bickering among the stars.

Entity ■■■■■'s design plans.

6'5" (195cm)
Carbon fiber

  • Four arms
  • The circles on his face normally remain static, but the large one may be drawn to convey emotion/facial expressions if desired.
Are you first? Are you last?

  • Lorenzo is based on one of the characters I tend to play in NMS.
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Created - August 6th, 2018
Designer - ferdie
Status - NFT/S