Pokemon adopts's Comments


I would love to buy 6!!!

Yay! Thank you for being the first to purchase! Just send to [email protected] and I can send you over your new baby.  (And that's 2 more tickets for the raffle since you bought an adopt <3 )

Payment sent! Thank you for the tickets!

Received! I'll send the file over when I Fer home from work 

Gotcha no worries take your time!

These babs are gorgeous anyone in here by chance for 2 or 8? <3

 (if not I can offer art)



Sorry, but those ones are up for sale, and #10 is the OTA. I also unfortunately didn't see anyone who caught my eye.

Oh my bad! I think I misread thanks anyways tho! <3

I'd like to buy the Vaporeon (4) & a pre-evo, please!

Can do! Just send to [email protected] 

I can get started on the pre evo when I'm home from work in 5-6 hours. 

Payment sent! Thank you so much :D!

Payment has been sent! Thank you so much!

I am home, finally lol.  Sent the vaporeon, and I'll get started on the eevee soon. Before I start, anything you do or don't want?

Thank you!!

And nothing I can think of! Maybe NOT a gendered tail?


CLOSED- ROLLING WINNERS! Winners: #15 and #7


Ticket # 1

Faved! ^^

Ticket # 2

I'd love to enter! I faved and subbed ^-^

Tickets # 3 and 4!

Faved + subbed!!

Tickets # 5 and 6!

Faved and subbed!

Tickets # 7, 8, 9, and 10!

Congratulations! #7 was picked second, so you won the ninetales:


Oh my gosh!!! Thank you!!!

Oh my gosh!!! Thank you!!!

Oh my gosh!!! Thank you!!!

I faved. These are some great designs!

Thank you! Ticket # 11

Favourited ^^

Ticket #12

Faved and subbed 💙

Tickets #13 and 14

Faved and subed

Tickets #15 and 16

Congratulations! You are the first drawn winner! Since #15 was drawn first, you get first pick of which design you'd like.

I would like the vulpix please


Enjoy! :D

Thank you!

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Ticket #17

Fav'd, sub'd, and posted a bulletin! https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1726064.pokemon-adopts-nm

Tickets #18, 19, and 20

Tickets # 21, 22, 23

Faved + subbed!

Tickets # 24 and 25