


4 months, 8 days ago


family tree
ethel cain

01 — Profile

Name foxpaw
Nicknames fox, ice queen
Age 9 moons
Gender amab ( he/him )
orientation bisexual
stature lean, petite
star sign scorpio
clan windclan
rank apprentice

  • really pink nose/pawpads

  • growth was stunted as a kit

  • lithe, runner's physique

  • large paws

  • nicked left ear

  • facial scar almost nicks the inside of his eye - can cause irritation in that eye sometimes

02 — Personality

Fox is very smart and incredibly secretive. He does not hesitate to lie or manipulate when it suits his needs, but also values honesty with those he deems worthy of it. It takes a lot to earn his respect, but once it is earned he will remain by your side until you demand him not to be. To those cats, he is fiercely loyal and protective, and incredibly self-sacrificing. To a fault. He would rather take the punishment on his own back than see someone he cares for suffer, and would kill and die to keep his loved ones safe and happy. While that can be a good quality, he is incapable of doing anything in half-measures. He has a very “all-or-nothing” mindset.

He is a tad awkward in social settings, and oftentimes doesn’t know how to react to other cats due to his isolated upbringing. However, despite him being often unable to show it, he is very grateful that he had the chance to find somewhere to belong within WindClan and views his Clanmates like the family he never had. Buried beneath his harsh exterior and the trauma of his past weighing him down, Fox is very gentle, but is still learning how to show his vulnerable side and tends to last out when he feels threatened. He’s working on it.

  • being alone

  • running

  • messing with others

  • the open sky

  • older males

  • being trapped

  • hot weather

  • stupidity

03 — Background

never escape what he's made up of

Foxpaw was raised by a tyrannical cat known as Sharp. Foxpaw, then just Fox, and his twin sister Wolf were the last litter born. His father was power-hungry and violent, training his children to become cold-hearted killers, brain-washed assassins who would follow his every order. Sharp had a vendetta against the world, and intended to use his “assassins” to gain power and enact his revenge.

He was brutal and aggressive, quick to react when he perceived an imperfection. Fox’s mother, Flame, was the one who finally snapped and killed Sharp in a fit of rage following his murder of Wolf, before taking her last living kit and fleeing. Unable to be around each other without reliving their abuse, the mother and son parted ways to gain some independence, although they remain near each other (just in case).

04 — Trivia

  • (SPOILERS) nomenclature: fox- (birth name; named for the color of his fur and his cunningness) // -chaser (his speed and agility)

  • enjoys fighting way more than he'd ever admit. not only is he good at it, but it gives him the right kind of adrenaline his body desires. he won't ever admit just how much he likes it though - he gets enough wary looks as it is.

  • love and trust has only ever meant violence to him. to him, trust is more important than love; to gain his trust is the most important thing he can ever give you.

05 — Relationships


the guiding light in the dark. the truest thing i've known since my sister died.

the apprentices
friends, maybe. someday.

there is something so harrowing about the idea of being known.