


4 months, 8 days ago


full name: Fodderthesparkleeyestriandigitalpet, fodder is a unnstoppable chainmail force that makes srface webs to end themselfs!!!!if opened n read fully if they do send it to 10 other people if you f don't read it you completely like get interrupt or somthing it will automatically install a care pet game like pou that is actually spyware. it's not enjoyable and very Tedious basically a jail on to the victim and very hard to get rid of when your not taking care of it and only trying to get rid of it it enjoys making people mad fodder is lowkey very very direct and mean on want it wants (on accident..kk I'm lying) it likes happy 99 beafauces it has a large supplie of yuri and yaoi bur mostly yaoi because yaoi "play/pet"fodderis extremely stupid and doesnt know what it doing but still gets away an wants thinks exactly how it likesit if you neglect it the viruscwill will get worst n worst fo the victim, luckily it gets bored with owners so it moves on to the next on with a unwanted present "When you look at me you’ll die immediately. You have 900 seconds to text this to all your friends or I will visit you tonight and kill you in your sleep with no natural cause of death. "