


4 months, 8 days ago


Jericho (lit. City of Moons) Human. Born into a line of Vampire Slayers. Hot punk. Like. Unfairly hot punk. Keeps his toolkit in a guitar case because he's hot shit. Might have ended up a serial killer regardless of his families line of work. Thinks he's a top. Is actually a bottom. Unhinged. Confident in his abilities, knows a little bit of runic magic from his tattoos. Not afraid to fight dirty. Has the standard array of: minor magic, Stakes, and specially engineered guns. 

He plays guitar as a hobby and has a desperate sort of need for approval, not that he'd ever admit to it.

New in town. Travelled to x town to hunt at the request of his family, picked up a bartending job at the punk dive bar across from a certain local club.... It's a fucking hotbed of debauchery and blood drinking but he decides to blend in and lay low for a while, a... Stake-Out if you will.... Except it's sort of weird, lately he's being having these weird dreams. Involving his own death.

(It's memories from his past life. Jericho was killed by Dismas's sire. 200 years ago.)

(They were lovers in his past life. He vowed to come back and take vengeance.)

(Dismas believed him.)

(He's been waiting.)