— writing commissions !! ☁ (headcanons)



4 months, 14 days ago


headcanons can have any amount but will generally be mini-paragraph length each.
i generally do five per character, but you can request more or less, just specify.
i prefer characters with a vague personality concept or lore, as it is rather difficult to work off of design alone.

i do not have a specific price for any amount of headcanons as i am highly pwyw.
i will more than likely accept your offer but on the unlikely chance i deem it unfair i will let you know.
i am a bit more picky with art/character offers, so please don't take it personally. feel free to shoot your shot! :3

example one
five mini-paragraph headcanons

what i was given -Screenshot_2024-02-06_170033.png?ex=65d5
what i gave back -
- Due to the nature of the possession, Luna often has trouble recalling events from previous days. The sudden loss of control and absence of consciousness that comes with it often eats away at the memory, leaving them often confused even for things they previously recalled or were present for.

- Luna rarely has to eat when in control due to the entity having a tendency to feed itself and gorge while in control, therefor also taking care of the body Luna cohabits. While this has the benefit of not having to worry about food or hunting, it comes alongside the disadvantage of coming to consciousness next to half-consumed carcasses.

- The maliciousness of the entity possessing them oftentimes results in Luna feeling the need to apologize and overcompensate to the people who have been hurt by it. It has a tendency to lash out, which means that those who live around Luna are in heightened danger during its time in the body. He often feels guilty because of the entity's behavior despite the fact he is not the one at fault.

- Having had a good access to education, Luna tries to extend this access to the other smile demons who live beside him in the manor. He enjoys giving those who otherwise would have not had the chance the opportunity to develop reading and writing skills that allow them to explore their creativity and satiate their curiosity. He also encourages the arts and has a higher appreciation for more civilized ways of expressing creativity such as this.

- The lingering effects of his upbringing alongside royals have left a value of manners within him, and he has a subconscious tendency to float towards others who hold the same value. While he occasionally tries to instill this value into less civilized and wild smile demons, it rarely works, and he still treats them with the same respect despite this gap.

example two
five mini-paragraph headcanons

what i was given -Screenshot_2024-02-06_170852.png?ex=65d5

what i gave back -
- He will often trade his craft for random items. Someone could bring in a painting or teacup he finds appealing and he would simply give them a tattoo in exchange for the item, no questions asked, and oftentimes ends up doing these trades just as much as he takes cash for his work.

- His work is one of the things he prides himself in most. If a customer comes in with a regrettable tattoo or something genuinely vile [akin to hate speech] he will outright refuse service. He is immovable in this and cannot be bribed. On the other hand, he loves doing cover-ups for clients who want to turn something they regret into something beautiful.

- Experimenting with tea being one of his hobbies, he often has an excessive amount of it lying around. To counter this, he began to make different bundles and types to send home with clients after they get their tattoo done. He jokingly refers to it as a 'recovery kit' as it is all they could need.

- Vaughn occasionally let him practice tattoo work on him in the beginning and was the first living person he got the chance to tattoo beside himself. As he progressed, so did Vaughn's tattoos, as he covered them up with improved work without any cost.

- He rather incidentally comes off as flirting a majority of the time from a mix of his pet names and just the natural charisma he carries himself with. His clients often become flustered in his presence due to this, and he rarely intentionally means to or takes notice. In fact, a majority of the time he stays completely oblivious to it.