hbd!! Did all except bulletin :3

Tickets 263-271 ! Thanks for entering!! :>


Ticket 262 ! Thanks for entering!!

I think I'm off by a day but happy birthday!!!!!!!!!! Did all! https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1732512.f2e-icon-raffle-3-nm

Tickets 248-261 ! THATS OK THANK YOUUUU!! Thanks for entering :DD

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I faved this and all the characters so it should be a total of 6 tickets :]

Tickets 242-247 ! THANKS!! and thank you for entering!! :D

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Tickets 233-241 ! Thank you! and thanks for entering!! ^^

faved + subbed :3

Tickets 229-232 ! Thanks for entering!!

Did all but the bulletin!

Tickets 220-228 ! Thanks for entering!^^

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Tickets 214-219 ! Thank you for entering!! :>


Ticket 213 ! Thanks for entering!!

Faved, subbed and faved everyone else! ^^

(Amazing designs by the way! QwQ) thanks for the chance! ^^

Tickets 204-212 ! aaa tysm!! and Thanks for entering!!

Faved ‘n subbed! Have a lovely day

Tickets 200-203 ! Thank you! and Thanks for entering!! ^^

Subbed, faved everything and here is a bulletin https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1714800.icon-raffle-not-mine

Tickets 186-199 ! Thank you for entering!! :D

Did required + subbed!

Tickets 182-185 ! Thanks for entering!!

Did all except the bulletin! 

Tickets 173-181 ! Thank you for entering!!

hi, i did everything but the bulletin! your art is so lovely btw <3

Tickets 164-172 ! Thank you so much!!! :D and thanks for entering!

Congrats!!! You were rolled as the first winner!!!
Please reply or PM me with which character you'd like for me to draw^^

wait omg lets gooooo!!!! thank you so much!!!!

i can't fully decide, so whichever out of these two is easier for you to draw!! one and two !!

thank you so much again :D!!!!!

Super sorry for never replying aaa!!! Completly my fault for not checking if my original message sent since ive been having a bit of online issues   

But also wanted to update that I'll be working on raffle winners at the end of the week and that'll i'll be happy to draw Hisoka!!
again sorry for the very late replyyy

no problem, please take your time! thank you again!!

hi, just wanna check in and see how its going? i don't mean to rush you as you're doing this for free in your free time, just wanna make sure i didn't miss anything! thank you again!!

oh god I just realized how long its been!!! IM SO SORRY SOB

Honestly I've been so bausy lately since my semester is ending, and rn is my last week of the semester actually, after that, I'll be class/work free and will be to finally send you a wip and then the final piece!! Again super sorry it took so so long, I really hadnt had real free time so art has been slow, but it WILL be done next week, no longer!!

Thank you so much for your patience!! I truly appreciate it!

1 Replies

Did everything but the bulletin!

Tickets 155-163 ! Thank you for entering!! :)

Congrats!!! You were rolled as the second winner!!!

Please reply or PM me with which character you'd like for me to draw^^

Fav'd this, Destiny and Nocturnal, subbed and made a bullettin, tysm for the chance!!

Howdy, there may be an error or something but I don’t see you being subbed or gotten any notifs of you liking the correct charas, I did confirm you made the bulletin but please do recheck if you’ve done what you’ve mentioned^^

Edit: I’ve now been able to see your favs and confirmed that you did faved the correct charas! But still can’t confirm the sub^^

Tried to re-sub, lemme know if it worked, ty for the patience

Tickets 144-154 ! It worked! Thank you very much!! and thanks for entering!^^

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Tickets 138-143 ! Thanks for entering!! :>

Faved all and Subbed!!

Tickets 129-137 ! Thank you for entering!!

Faved this!

Ticket 128 ! Thank you for entering!!

Faved, subbed, and made a bulletin! Thank you for the chance.

Tickets 119-127 ! Thanks for entering!!

Faved and faved both Melphim and Andreph c:

Tickets 116-118 ! Thank you for entering!! :D

Faved everything! The children of chaos are crazy cool

Tickets 110-115 ! Thank you!!! I love my chaos theory babies so much <3


Ticket 109 ! Thanks for entering!!


Ticket 108 ! thank you for entering!!

Subbed, faved this and faved the extra!! :D

Tickets 99-107 ! Thank you for entering!! :>


Faved this, faved all extras and subbed!

Tickets 90-98 ! Thanks for entering!!

faved this and faved all extra! and subbed

Tickets 81-89 ! Thank you for entering!!

faved everything (including all the extras) and made a bulletin https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1707426.f2e-icon-raffle-nm!

Tickets 70-80 ! Thank you for entering!!

Tickets 56-69 (ay) ! Thank you for entering!!

Did all and im already subbed to you sjrnwjt https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1707385.f2e-raffle-nm And HAPPY BIRTHDAAAYY RAAHHH

Tickets 42-55 ! AAA THANK YOUUUU RAAAH xd

faved and faved all of the ocs!

Tickets 36-41 ! Thanks for entering!!

I did everything except for making a bulletin. Thank you for this opportunity! (:

Tickets 27-35 ! Thank you so entering!! :>

i faved all of them!!

Tickets 21-26 ! Thanks for entering!!

Tickets 7-20 ! Thanks for entering bestie!!

You're welcome bromeo!

faved 2 extras + this, and subbed! happy birthday btw :3

Tickets 1-6 ! Thanks for entering and thank you!! :D