


4 months, 7 days ago



Looks like this baby has been through a lot in their short life. Hard to say if they were born like that or stitched together... They are a duo who seem to want to go two different directions all the time. Though eventually the sad looking mask will give in and let themselves be dragged around by the front half.
They also answer to the name Too and Oodles. The grinning half being Oodles while the sad half is Too. Only one side makes noises under their masks, excited and often frantic sounding peeps almost like a normal baby, but they can amp up into almost a scream. Though if handled carefully and listen closely, the other half makes sad little whimpers only when feeling safe.

Hard to say what these masked peepers will grow into. Mask data? Cover ups? Doubling things up?

Or maybe they might tear themselves in half trying to go two different directions.

However if called Toodles, both of them seem to come running excitedly at whoever called for them. Though the back half trips over itself sometimes causing them to tumble and roll to the persons feet.

As an adult, they seem to have managed to make it onto two legs, though still have to work together to walk around. They work around the dark web, providing items and services for anyone who will pass them some cash. They split their seams to reach into the static inside and pull out items. Most of these items can be very dangerous in the wrong hands... or the right hands. Half the stuff no one should touch anyways! Tears they gain along the way are stitched back up, and over time they may gain more and more of a patchwork look.
Oodles doesn't mind this job, happily watching people ruin themselves by giving them EXACTLY what they asked for. Too however doesn't seem to want to hurt anyone. They wish they could be going to the cafe and sitting and talking with friends.
But they only they are close to is Oodles.

The virus from comes around when they disagree and strife too much. They split out, and the strange static inside takes forms of two struggling ads as they try to escape, ensnare, or just struggle against each other. The area is engulfed in a loud static enhanced by laughing and sobbing. Thus far, neither has gotten free from the body that seems to be an anchor. They eventually tire or solve the problem and pull back inside. They just have to tighten the stitches and continue on their merry way.

Ask them about their SPECIAL DEAL! Don't worry about what it is they give you. It's a secret tool to use for later!