☪ Eirig



8 years, 5 months ago


E I R I G about


name | eirig
gender | he / him
age | unknown - infinite
species | imperial ( flight rising )

likes | quiet, the stars, observing things
dislikes | being alone, supernovas (deaths of planets)
trivia | through his use of magics, he can change his size and form at will, allowing him to morph into any species and remain undetected as he visits planets

bio | a being who created the universe. he is the only one of the original guardians to still be protecting his galaxy. while he tries to remain aloof, he is a softie on the inside, and yearns for companionship in the loneliness of space.

A being of eternal and immeasurable power.
If only he had the power to save them.

Out of the darkness and nothingness rose a being. Using his mind, he imagined himself in a physical form, and so Eirig was born from the endless expanse. He imagined the stars, the planets. He created the keepers, those who maintained the balance. And so they ruled the universe, together.

Eons passed. The keepers, too powerful to pass on, lived their lives in monotony and without emotion. Civilizations rose and fell, species took over planets and destroyed their earths. The keepers had tried to calm the planets, they had tried to save its peoples, but nothing changed. Millenniums passed, a blink of an eye to the keepers, and more would follow in the paths of the species that had preceded them, each developing increasingly dangerous weapons of destruction. The keepers grew tired. They had learned, and so they stopped caring. They hibernated, hoping for a day of catastrophe to strike so that they were no longer irrelevant, or to simply vanish from the universe. One by one, the keepers closed they eyes and slept.

And so, the creator was the only one left. Of them all, only he remained with a heart. Only he felt sympathy for the living beings, with their lives snuffed out like a candle in front of his very eyes. He loved his creations with all his heart, and he cried out in pain as each and every one of his creations withered and died, yet he could do nothing to save them. He knew their nature, he had created them, after all. He had wanted them to be intelligent, to develop there identity and protect themselves, so that one day, the creators would be no longer needed to watch over them. He had instead created civilizations that lived to kill. He had made a mistake, and nothing he could do would reverse it. So he watched his creations from above, the one and only of his kind.