Kailyn/Gell Hero: TEMPUS



7 months, 15 days ago


General Information

  • Full Name: Kailyn Rees
  • Age: 14
  • Pronouns: She/Her
  • Height: 5'5.5 (166.37 cm)
  • Personality: Kailyn is pretty calm and prefers to be a pacifist. She likes helping out, especially with people she knows and cares about, but this can sometimes lead to her being a bit of a doormat around them. Also, she tries her best to avoid conflict, but can be EXTREMELY defensive of her loved ones.


  • Sadie Sanchez

  • Nikeisha Craig

  • Briska

    Briska, with his energetic and spunky personality, is there to teach TEMPUS that she can go wild (within reason) and actually express herself, her needs, and wants. In short: Briska is very animated and expresses his emotions pretty clearly and wants to teach TEMPUS to do the same.

Other/Fun Facts/Trivia

  • She wears heelys almost ALWAYS
  • Her family owns a small restaurant which she's a waitress at. Though she enjoys helping out she wishes she can do something completely different in the future
  • Usually never uses capital letters while texting people

Gell User Information

  • Name: Gell Hero: TEMPUS
  • Gell Element: Chronokinesis (Time/Speed)
  • Gell Class/Geometry: Sphere
  • Append: Poncho
  • Combat Type: Close Combat/Rescue

Powers And Abilities

  • Speed Dash: One of TEMPUS’ most basic abilities. This allows her to travel small distances in a short amount of time
  • Rapid Roll: TEMPUS' full energy attack. This has her poncho flare up and details that resemble a clock appear. The hands of the clock start going really fast and she can move extremely fast, almost past the point of human comprehension.