Hadeon Siames



2 months, 28 days ago


Age: 30

Hadeon has always been a cunning and strategic individual.

He was born into a life of privilege and power. As the eldest son of a wealthy and influential businessman, he was groomed from a young age to take over the family's loan company one day. But behind the polished facade of success and wealth, lay a dark and turbulent home life.

Hadeon's father was a ruthless and abusive man, who ruled over his family with an iron fist. His mother was too afraid to stand up to him and had abandoned them. Leaving Hadeon and his younger brother Dante to suffer the brunt of their father's vicious temper.

From a young age, Hadeon learned to manipulate and control those around him in order to protect himself and his younger brother, Dante. In doing so, he also began to hone his skills in the cutthroat world of business. He knew that one day he would have to take over the company, and he was determined to make it his own, no matter the cost. As he grew older, Hadeon's ambition and thirst for power only intensified. He saw the financial industry as the perfect playing field for his manipulative tactics, and he set his sights on dominating it. But before he could make his move, he had to deal with the biggest obstacle in his way – his father. 

Tired of living in fear and desperation, Hadeon made a calculated decision to kill his father at the age of 18. And he did it with a cold and calculated precision, leaving no trace of his involvement. With Dante's help, they covered up the crime and together they had fabricated a story that made it seem like their father had died of natural causes. A dark secret Hadeon and Dante will take to their graves. Despite so, this event not only freed him and his brother from their abusive father, but it also gave Hadeon control over his father's loan company, which he eventually renamed Twin Fangs Inc.

His main motivation is power and control. Having dealt with an insecure household in the past, Hadeon never wants to be in a vulnerable position again. He wants to be the one in control and will stop at nothing to achieve his goals. He sees the financial industry as the key to ultimate power and is determined to create a monopoly by taking over other companies and crushing his competition.

Since then, Hadeon's relationship with his younger brother, Dante, had become complex. They have always been at odds with each other, constantly bickering and challenging each other's authority. Despite their differences, Hadeon feels a sense of responsibility towards Dante and has taken care of him since their father's death. However, their relationship is forever strained as Dante resents Hadeon's controlling nature and ambitions.
