


8 years, 5 months ago


possible name - Luna Bolche possible backstory - Luna's in the military. She's lived a bit of a rough lifestyle, but plays through any harrowing experiences with an aloof air, never attaching herself to anything. That's why she rubs people the wrong way and is thought of as a queen by fellow soldiers. She dreams of making enough out of the military to buy back her family's business, which had closed down due to bankruptcy, and take revenge on her ex-friends for robbing them. Reason for wanting to adopt - she looks like she'd make an interesting character.


Name: Lorena
Personality: She is used to getting whatever she wants, so it has caused her to undervalue material wealth and possessions as well as to undermine the efforts of the working class. She is bold, headstrong, and faces many challenges straightforwardly without regard for the risks involved. She is also rather stubborn and hates to back down from a battle even when faced with impending defeat.
Bio: In her childhood years, Lorena was, though pampered at birth, admired and adored for her naivety, generosity, charm, social skills, and courage. 
Quirks: Hides her laughter behind a hand if stifling is unsuccessful | Curls a finger through the end of her hair when she feels restless or excited |