Gypsy's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

arcanid Global Rules
TERMS OF SERVICE - PLEASE READ! [ GENERAL GUIDELINES ] By obtaining one of my designs or art, you are obligated to abide my terms. It is your responsibility to remember these terms when associating with my designs or art, you must credit me for the design and art. By accepting the invoice sent to you: You are automacially accepting my TOS and you're also aware that you're paying for a digital art service, so it's impossible to get a physical item. When obtaining a design or art by me, you own partial rights to the design, the official artwork is my Copyright/Intellectual Property. I have the rights to use the original artwork for promoting myself and my creations. I keep partial Intellectual Property over every design i sell, which means i have the right to ban people who violate my terms. I also have the right to redistribute any designs by me that they happen to own, but only if they decide to break my Terms of Services. While i do claim all rights to the intellectual, i will not reuse/resell the design. I will only reserve the right to repost my artwork for promoting my art. You MUST credit me the first time you use your adoptable/custom/art/commission and whenever you use the original art we created. You may make small changes to the design but you cannot edit the original artwork without my written permission. Never claim my designs or art as your own. Violating any rules will get you blacklisted and i will rightfully reclaim any designs of ours you own at the time.You will never be allowed to obtain designs or art from me again, even on future accounts you make. [ ART AND DELIVERY TIME ] ➤Please respect my style of art! Don't ask for characters that don't fit my style such as MLP, pokemon characters, humans... I usually draw canines and felines, but i'm always open to try drawing new species! ➤When getting a commission from me, please don't rush me! You can ask for updates, but all of them can be seem on my TO-DO LIST/WIPS here on Trello. ➤I take 1-2 months to start and finish a commission (I may take more time if something unexpected happens in my life, remember that im human and i also need to rest) [ RULES AND REGULATIONS ] ➤ When reselling/retrading a design by me, you are required to link the new owner the TOS for them to read, these rules will now apply to them as long as they have designs by us. ➤ Contacting me when transferring designs is not required unless you have no idea what the original price of the character was, however contacting me regardless is appreciated. [ PERMISSIONS ] ➤ After receiving one of my designs, you may draw/roleplay as/write about the said character as much as you like. But use for commercial use ONLY with my written permission and we must be credited as the original creator. ➤ You may draw your design in any form. ( Human / Anthro / Feral ECT ) ➤ You may 'breed' for the character without our permission,but only with non-profit intentions. ➤ You may change the gender/sex/sexuality/name/species/personality of the character to suit your tastes! ➤ Feel free to show us the character's progress/tag us in any art of them! We would love to see it and it warms my heart to see our designs being treated nicely. ➤Yoy may repost any commission/art you got from me anywhere you want, just credit me! You also can use it as icon or anything you want! [ PAYMENT & RESELLING ] ➤I will send INVOICES for payment and you will only officially own the design after you complete the payment and pay within a day. In case you open a disloyal dispute and end up with the money,you won't have any rights over the design you payed before.Their ownership will return to me and I'll have full rights to sell it to someone else without your permission. ➤ Payment must be done before you own the design. If the payment includes art, then you will receive your character but you will not be allowed to trade/gift/sell them until all work pieces are completed in a timely manner. ➤ If you purchased the character with paypal, you may not sell them for more than your original price unless the character has COMMISSIONED work. And so, you may only add the cost YOU paid on commissions to the total value of the design. ✦ If you received the character as a gift/trade/exchange you may not sell them for points or currency, you may however retrade/gift them for artwork/characters/ect or gift them. BUT you may resell for a FAIR price if you commissioned work of it. [ REFUNDS ] ➤ If i'm unable to do a custom or commission for whatever reason, a full refund will be given. Right now i'm taking more time then expected to finish my commissions, but i'm working on them! ➤ Refunds will NOT be given, but you may give up buying the design or drawing commission before the payment. ➤ To avoid needing a refund, make sure you REALLY want the design and the commission before buying it.