
 the strange ringmaster
10894854_22F.png tiffani
 "so, did you enjoy the show?" 

 ▶ t h e  b a s i c s 

full name: tiffani
nicknames: the witch of illusions, tif
species: human (witch)
age: 512 (born in 1504)
birthday: may 13
gender: female
sexuality: pansexual
status: single

 ▶ p e r s o n a l i t y 

eccentric - unreadable - smiley - creepy - enjoys her life -   showman - good liar - cheerful 

vvery eccentric and peculiar; often has unclear intentions; completely unreadable; smiles often in many different types of situations; lots of people think that she’s creepy; genuinely enjoys her life and every single moment of it; an excellent showman who doesn’t miss a chance to be dramatic; a very good liar; charming; very cheerful

biggest strength:

big weakness:

 ▶ p a s t 

tiffani is the ringmaster and owner of eclipse circus. if you were to ask, none of the other performers seem to know anything about her, how old she is, where she came from, or even her last name. she seemingly appeared from nowhere, along with her strange almost silent magician who calls himself mr. e, and started the eclipse circus. the eclipse circus is infamous for its crazy stunts, incredible special effects, and seemingly unexplained magic tricks…

tiffani is actually a very old witch born in the 1500s as thomasine de barkell. she summoned mr. e as a desperate attempt to escaped from an arranged marriage with a man she theorized (correctly) had abused and murdered his three former wives. after taking care of her would-be husband, thomasine fled with the demon

 ▶ c o m b a t 

 ▶ weapon of choice 

has supernatural powers and isn’t afraid to use them in a fight; she has had years of training to perfect her powers

 ▶ powers and skills 

capable of magic, some of her favorite spells are: teleporting items, people, and herself, creating illusions, creating small items, levitation, and and create force fields; aside from magic, she can make balloon animals and sings, very flexible

 ▶ l i k e s / d i s l i k e s 

 ▶ favorites 

color: yellow
cotton candy
white wine
carnival music
hobby: performing
center stage

 ▶ likes 

 ✔ music
 ✔ pastel colors
 ✔ crowds
 ✔ reading
 ✔ ice cream
 ✔ looking at the stars
 ✔ vintage things

 ▶ dislikes 

 ✘ being confined
 ✘ fire
 ✘ snow
 ✘ cars
 ✘ beer
 ✘ being bored
 ✘ arguing

 ▶ t r i v i a 

 - voice: tbd
 - star sign:taurus
 alignment: true neutral
 easily bored
 occasionally speaks in an older way

 - She sometimes uses outdated slang that she picked up along the way, just out of habit. Everything between 'got the morbs' to 'neato!', she would find herself accidentally using all of these terms that no one really uses anymore. Additionally, she still has a lot of her old wardrobe fashions, even if she doesn't wear them, and therefore it's refreshing whenever clothes from bygone eras come back in style, because she already has them!!  -Kvroii

 ▶ d e s i g n 

usual expression: knowing smile
appeared age: 
eye color: 
hair color: 
childish, almost flat chested
important characteristics:
- long thick eyelashes
 - poofy hair
 - blush
other notes:
- the hearts on her knees are a part of her tights
 - the hat is held on her head by magic
 - her vest has buttons on the back like a waistcoat

 ▶ s t a t s 

created: jul 2014 
method of acquisition: adopted

 ▶ ribbons 
