


5 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info


AeonCuli [closed species made by ZAO and Tinsei]




AeonCuli is a closed species created by ZAO and Tinsei

Aeonculi is a race of  synthetic beings who was created in order to serve mankind with their  various needs and desires. At first these creatures were thought to be  designed for innocent tasks such as becoming a guardian, caretaker,  helper or even a 'friend' to those out there who had lost a loved one.  Alas, human nature ended up perverting their initial purpose and  'models' of “alternate lifestyles” and needs ended up being developed as  the demand grew higher. Each Aeonculi is built for a single master; if  that master was to pass on or trade them to someone the Aeonculi might  not be able to fulfill the other person's desire.

The Aeonculi was once met  with persecution from a handful of human as they deemed the scientists  who had created them as 'inhuman' for developing a living, breathing  thing without a 'Soul'. In fact these creatures were viewed as Soulless  for a very long time as they had done nothing but followed orders of  their 'master's' to a T. This all changed, however, when a few of the  older “models” began developing personalities of their own; some were  even going against what their masters had initially designed them for.  Upon inspection the scientists discovered that their 'power core' that  they had given these synthetic creatures was glowing much brighter than  usual – not to mention the core itself had morphed in shape. At first  some of the humans were quite worried about this sudden change in  development – some even wanting to commit genocide with the creatures  which was quickly shot down since these synthetic beings were indeed  'alive' now. Luckily for the Aeonculi had showed that they weren't out  for bloodshed against their creators and indeed had began 'working' with  them if not staying with their initial masters to fulfill their wishes.

Sold to ZAO