Rohaan Dowling



5 years, 8 months ago
m rgt


Owner bounces: 17, hwah!

Rohaan works in a small shop in a community college where you can buy disgustingly overpriced textbooks or school merch for some ungodly reason. For the most part, this is very quiet and boring, which is what he prefers. He is very skilled at looking "together" (he's had many years of practice, being ~30), but is inside violently wishing to be left alone at all times. He knows not to show weakness, as many of the kids at the school are monsters, as kids tend to be. He believes them to be irredeemable nightmares and thusly keeps interactions with them to absolute minimum. Buy your books. Leave.

He's very jaded at this point in his life. He works a job, wishing every day that he didn't have to. He's been in retail (that's self-explanatory). He has medical issues he can't look into because the hospital bills would be too high. You know. The Woes (tm). Hopes and dreams? In this economy?? Asexual aromantic, leave him alone