Miko's Comments

I'd love to know if you ever look at offers? ;; If not that's okay and sorry for bothering you! <3Foxieful

Hello! Sorry that this is a bit random, but I'm wanting to downsize my characters so I will be looking at offers for this guy. Are you still interested in this design?

Foxieful Yes Iā€™m still extremely interested! šŸ’– would you take HQ art or would usd be your preference?

Oh perfect! I thought it was worth asking before I made a post lol. So my preference at the minute is USD as I'm still trying to work out which characters I wanna keep. Most are going tbh, haha!
Are you okay with a usd offer?

Yes I would be!! How much are you looking for?

Okies! So with their art I think they are worth around $40 if that sounds good to you?

2 Replies