Rayner Hess



4 months, 2 days ago

Basic Info







Sexual orientation



piercing, eating pretzels, taking care of dogs, reading books


getting pranked


Ray works as a professional piercer at his friend's studio and also spends time at the nearby library. He leaves stickers advertising his friend's tattoo and piercing studio all over the place, even sneaking them between the pages of books. Sometimes, mischievous local ghosts tear them off just to annoy him, although he remains oblivious to their antics, as he can't see human spirits.

Online, Ray defends the integrity of piercers, particularly against those who use the wrong kind of jewelry. He tends to get upset when he's shadowbanned for spamming and can become quite agitated when his comments and messages don't get posted. There's a mischievous ghost living in his house that likes to pull the plug from the socket, sending Ray into a frenzy. However, after a chuckle to himself, he tries to regain composure. Generally, he's a laid-back guy, although he can be overly passionate about what he believes is best for others. He faints (not literally) at the sight of a piercing gun because he once got his helix done in the bathroom by his classmate who had a piercing kit. When they got back to class, he suddenly felt lightheaded and saw blood dripping onto his desk and fainted. The upcoming night was spent on intense research about piercing which was also interrupted by the same ghost that currently pulls pranks on him.

Ray has a soft spot for animals, particularly dogs. He volunteers at the local dog shelter, where he often walks the dogs and has even adopted one himself, named Salsa. Salsa enjoys watching TV, with "Megamind" being a favorite movie. A mixed pug who's five years old, Salsa is a typical couch dog who occasionally surprises Ray with some dance moves at random moments. On his days off, Ray enjoys relaxing with some shows and movies.

Ray joined the paranormal group after meeting Norah Evanesce during one of his walks. She noticed him struggling to manage several barking dogs who were reacting to the presence of another dog's spirit. Norah removed her headphones and quickly approached him, offering to help. Ray apologized, explaining that the dogs were agitated because of a ghost-dog, then quickly corrected himself because it would typically be seen as insane to see spirits. Norah asked if he could see ghosts, to which Ray promptly replied yes, mentioning that there was actually another spirit dog behind her. It turned out to be her childhood dog, who had passed away a few years ago. This melted Norah's heart, knowing that her beloved pet was still protecting her and barking at ghosts that bothered her. Ray and Norah exchanged socials and she invited him to join the paranormal group. She said that she hasn't yet met anybody that sees animal ghosts.