


3 months, 25 days ago

Basic Info


2k ac


Redesign of an old oc I had while I played FeralHeart!

                                  Current Info:

Theme: Crash - Eden ; Voices - Talos

Breed: Maine Coon/Chartreux

Clan: N/A atm

Rank: Warrior

Age: 16 moons

Gender: Male / Nonbinary

Sexuality: Aromantic, greysexual, bisexual

Musk: Pine & mint (often chews on mint leaves)

Favorite Prey: Rabbits

Mate: None

Love Interest: None (currently)

Kits: None

Parents: Unknown (father left, mother shortly after his birth and he and his three other siblings had been taken in to an animal shelter. they were all soon adopted, but into separate homes, and he never saw any of them again. later on, hidden wandered away from home and strayed into his previous clan's territory, choosing to stay with them and learn the ways of a warrior. he became an apprentice, and worked the hardest out of everyone to earn respect and become one of their own.)

Littermates: Unknown

Personality: Loyal, kindhearted, calm and composed, seems cold and distant to those who don't know him, but is actually very fun-loving and friendly. Sarcastic and dark sense of humor, loves to joke around, but only with those he's familiar with. Sensitive but hides it with a tough exterior. Doesn't tolerate those who mess with his friends. Loves every cat unless they give him a reason to mistrust or dislike them. Overprotective and often seen as a fatherly figure. Wise beyond his moons. Optimistic; it's tough to drag him down, but once he's in a rough spot it's hard for him to drag himself out of it and recover.

                                 Old Info:

Mutations and Deficiencies: Born blind, struggled to learn to use other senses in place of sight. She eventually found a way to use her large, pointed ears to her advantage and sense her surroundings by listening. A strange hiccup in her DNA caused her to have a bit of an underbite, and her lower fangs are rather large, sticking out quite far above her upper muzzle.

Accessories: Always seen sporting two feathers worn in the soft fur near her left ear. Has two piercings on her lower muzzle, from an incident in which the teenage son of the family that took her in decided to play around with a needle and agonizingly pierce her. Usually keeps her collar on for the more positive memories, but takes it off when necessary.