


4 months, 10 days ago


Words though sweet, may deceive.


Mid Twenties (Appearance)

Unknown (Appears Male)

He / Him



Prison Gate Cave

Bandai Namco

Kalmia Latifolia

The Blinding One



Fussy / Intellectual / Deliberate

Many words have been used to describe Kalmia. As Necrozma, the Blinding One, humans tend to fear him and want nothing to do with him anymore. Kalmia feels similarly, and prefers that humans stay away from him. He is not opposed to using them for his own gain though, almost like a twisted sort of revenge... But despite his negativity, there are humans that he trusts, even if the amount is quite slim... It's hard to grasp what goes on in Kalmia's mind, and he prefers it to be that way. Deep down, he is very sweet, but this side of him is reserved for only a select few.

He tends to be cold and calculating, but when provoked enough he is capable of losing his cool and lashing out emotionally. In his day to day life, he tends to be reserved and peaceful, but whether this is a facade or not depends on who you ask... Some people are aware that he seems a bit... too sickeningly sweet and charismatic...

Kalmia has his quirks. For instance, he absolutely despises Tamato berries and can always sense when they have been used in cooking. He will go to ridiculous lengths to avoid eating a meal no matter how minute the amount of Tamato berries. He tends to be wary of spicy food in general due to this, but sometimes he will still find himself enjoying some spices. For the most part, he likes bitter foods and has rather refined taste buds.


HP 274 +28 +0 302
ATTACK 177 +0 +0 177
DEFENSE 186 +18 +0 204
SPECIAL ATTACK 233 +28 +57 318
SPECIAL DEFENSE 181 +31 +0 212
SPEED 147 +28 +56 231


The user restores its own HP. The amount of HP regained varies with the weather.

Photon Geyser

The user attacks the target with a pillar of light. This move inflicts damage using the Attack or Sp. Atk statβ€”whichever is higher for the user.

Prismatic Laser

The user shoots powerful lasers using the power of a prism. The user can't move on the next turn

Meteor Beam

The user gathers energy from space and boosts its Sp. Atk stat on the first turn, then attacks on the next turn.


  • Kalmia wishes to regain all of his light and does not care who he harms in the process. While he would prefer to not fight dirty, he knows nearly every trick in the book and isn't afraid to use his resources. He seeks revenge soley on the people of Ultra Megalopolis's dimension, but he is more than willing to use other dimensions as stepping stones.

  • He does care for a select few, but his reserved nature and general outlook on life make it so he doesn't let himself become fully attached. This is in part because of the trauma he suffers from Ultra Megalopolis stealing his light, and how even though they once coexisted, they betrayed him and left him in pieces. Ironically, despite being made of light himself, someone needs to show him the light - specifically the one of Pokemon and people coexisting together.

  • He has quite the reputation while masquerading as a human; people think he is mysterious and cool (and his charisma draws them in), but since he often disappears there are many rumours floating around in regards to his existence. Many trainers wish to speak to him because of his notable presence, but knowing his current whereabouts is a task in itself since he never quite stays in one place for too long. He often travels from region to region, quietly observing and sometimes visiting relevant locations to Legendary Pokemon. What his goal is, only he himself knows...


Long, long ago in ancient times, Kalmia coexisted with the people of Ultra Megalopolis. He shared his light with the world, and in turn everyone prospered. The world was at peace, and Kalmia sought to protect it. Light was his very essence, it was just as vital to him as it was to the people of Ultra Megalopolis. It was thanks to his existence that people and Pokemon could thrive, to which he was revered and worshiped. There was nothing but respect for him, and he had nothing but respect for the people he watched over. But all good things come to an end...
The people of Ultra Megalopolis grew greedy. They thought they could take his light and use it for their own purposes alone. Despite the serenity in their world, they desired more. "Why not share this wonderful lifestyle with other universes? Surely people have to see how great we are!" These thoughts filled the inhabitants' minds, and they devised a plan to use Kalmia as a tool. They stole his light and twisted it into an apparatus and left the Prism Pokemon on his deathbed. Mismatched and torn apart, Kalmia used the last ounce of his power to enact revenge and attempt to keep living. He devoured his own light that once covered the world, leaving Ultra Megalopolis shrouded in darkness for eternity. This was enough to restore his life force, but not enough to heal his wounds. He would need another source of light from an entirely different dimension. He set off to the universe watched over by Arceus and attempted to steal the light of Alola. It wasn't personal, it was just his best option. But... things happened. Arceus didn't pity him. Arceus may have attempted to stop him at first, but as an almighty being that oversees all future possibilities, it decided not to serve justice. Xe understood quite well how horrible humanity could be to Pokemon. It extended one of its many arms, and offered a piece of itself to the wounded Necrozma. While unable to heal everything, this allowed him to at least begin to feel complete again... And thus they lived together, in peace.

This wasn't enough for Kalmia though. Regret filled his heart. He couldn't even stand on his own two feet without the help of another. What was the point of it all? He was happy, but everything was still wrong. He was still wrong.
He betrayed Arceus, in the end. A Foolish mistake. Arceus still refused to leave him be, and called upon the power of Darkrai to put him into a deep slumber for thousands of years. "Forgive me, I cannot heal thy pain... Perhaps after many suns and many moons, thou shalt awaken again, free of impurities. May we meet again..." And thus the prismatic dragon was sealed... For the very few that know this legend, it is said that Arceus shed tears over this event...


Someone knew about everything. Someone passed down the legend of Arceus and Necrozma. An immortal of the Celestica people, but that is perhaps speculative... This person, however, is responsible for unsealing Kalmia... They did not leave him to fend for himself though, and instead told him about the current state of the world and how they wished to recreate the entire universe. Kalmia scoffed, for something that lofty from a human's mouth sounded plain ridiculous... but when bringing Almighty Sinnoh into picture, and how this would be a perfect time to get revenge on it for sealing him, things changed. Plus... this person who freed Kalmia seemed to have trudged through plenty of despair. Perhaps they understood, in a way. They parted ways at this point, but kept in contact... waiting until Arceus took notice of the abnormalities sparked by the pair.

Kalmia admits, deep down, that perhaps this idea is stupid. What he truly wishes, is to just speak to Arceus again. It seems the beast was betrayed by yet another, and has refused to interact with the world ever since. Rumours of a trainer who has a strange upbringing and an even stranger knack for... nearly everything, have reached Kalmia, and he cannot shake the feeling that this person is a key connection to what he seeks. Arche... just who is he? The answer is obvious, but Kalmia cannot confirm or deny anything... yet. So he bides his time. They will cross paths eventually though... but whether he should come to Arche, or have the trainer come to him is something he's struggling with. If he were to find someone with a connection to Arche and then pull the springs, perhaps that would be a better option.

To mend his relationship with Arceus, or to tear it all apart once and for all... Just what will Kalmia do? The road ahead is splintered.

Design Notes

  • 5'9 | 175cm
  • Has heterochromia, although Kalmia hides this by wearing an eyepatch over his right eye. He is also blind in that eye.
  • Appears very delicate + dainty in his actions and general vibe, the general public finds him to be very pretty and he is often the talk of the town due to his looks (whether he likes it or not).
  • Despite his beauty, he is highly manipulative when he needs to be. His good looks are a tool to him, although he is extremely self conscious of the scars that cover his entire body. He sees them as a reminder of what Ultra Megalopolis did to him, and thus he always covers himself as much as possible.
  • He enjoys fashion, and sometimes changes up his look from time to time. He does value comfort too since he deals with chronic pain from losing his light.
  • His assigned Kalosian styles are elegant and special.
  • He can hide his tail at will in order to blend in more with human society. If he had the choice though, he would keep it out.

I like Tamato berries, they remind me of someone I was once quite fond of. Funnily enough, that person hated them though. Funny how that works huh?


Arceus himself, in the disguise of a Frontier Brain. The two have yet to reunite, which is perhaps for the best. Kalmia wishes to get Arche's attention, and Arche still thinks of the Necrozma that he once latched onto...

Does time heal all wounds? Can fate be changed? Perhaps that is part of the reason Arche has manifested in the world again. To give everything a second chance. While xe swore it wouldn't meddle with the world anymore, what if the world meddles with him? Fate ebbs and flows with or without him, but he always did have a naughty and curious side... maybe it is time to truly coexist with people and Pokemon once again. Perhaps he can find a solution to Kalmia's suffering. Time will tell.
