
Gender: Female

Age: 24

Hair color: Light Blue

Eye color: Blueish Purple

Tail Color: Light blue to blue

Sexual Preference: Bisexual

Loves: Cool areas, Cold kisses

Hates: People trying to set stuff on fire

    Known to most as the Ice Diva due to her being popular as a Blue Jazz singer, Velvit came to Aquinous when she was 13 years old. Unlike other Glacemaids that use their power with hand movements and posing, she is able to do it with her voice. Due to this, she is often considered the Winter Siren of the deep. Though, she usually has to keep her voice not rough by drinking hot tea. Another problem is that people can cover her mouth to prevent her from using her magic; this has happen many times in the past when she was just getting use to Aquinous. Her distaste of fire stems from some magic users causing accidents with fire magic, one time her favorite dress got burnt by one (she was around 15 at the time).

    Now, she currently works at the Football Fish Lounge (a club only open at night), she varies her job up a bit. From waitress, to bartender, to clean up; she just loves being at the Lounge. But her big claim to fame is her singing, with a voice that gave her the name "the Cold Siren" within the club, one that she wears proudly. Since then, she hasn't really left, this feels like a dream job to her and one she has so much joy doing.