Solar flares's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Cannot be transferred for any reason.

Design Terms of Use

Lupinoq Global Rules


 Thank you for having one of my designs! It means alot :]

But we have some rules set for a reason.


For my designs, Dont ever draw NSFW art of them. I am a minor, and i do not want my designs to have NSFW Artwork in their gallery. Dont use them to promote feral NSFW, Anti-LGBTQ+, or any rude and harmful actions. Thats NOT okay. Most of my Adopts are feral/anthro animals too.


You can definitely Rehome them! All i ask is if i ask for you to tell me when you rehome them, please tell me, this will probably  be for characters i was  tent on trades for, as well as dont trade/resell them for a higher price then they were sold to you For without added art.


Redesigning is DEFINITELY OKAY! :D 
Just Please dont make them unrecognizable! You can change anything you want, Name, Anthro or feral, Etc!


If you lock my designs behind an authorization, Please let me know, and Either Authorize me or create an authorization key. I’d like to see my designs! If you do this dont go making NSFW art of my designs behind a lock. 

WIP ✍️

Will be updated later.