

she/her 20 lesbian alive

Dane was raised in the heart of Inkopolis but never had a passion for Turf Wars or ranked modes. When Grizzco opened up when she was 16, her heart was set in that field. When she was first starting out, she wasn't all that good with any of the weapons, for she was small and clumsy. Her assigned team, a team of two other inklings and an octoling, helped her understand the weapons she wielded, and soon enough, when she was a full-time employee, she could handle any weapon given to her (though, she had more skill with the chargers). She is now one of the best employees known to Grizzco, and she was placed on a team with Blitz and Gambit, two rookie octolings. Dane spends most of her time working at Grizzco, and she doesn't have the time to fully 5-star her favorite weapon, the E-Liter.

stars with e-liter
"Sometimes, I feel like you two don't deserve to be eggsecutive VP. You're both supposed to work with each other, but you're both so damn cocky."