antonella (details n’ whatever)



some basic details;

[i’m lazy i’ll do this later ok it’s how she looks]

a lot of problems;

  • CIPA / congenital insensitivity to pain with anhidrosis / she can’t feel pain or temperature and she can’t sweat  
  • insomnia
  • mild anxiety 
  • extremely prone to mood swings
  • has a very short temper with most people + prone to littl baby mode outbursts
  • just kind of generally an asshole; it’s not a medical problem but it’s still a problem sis
  • "
  • she’s allergic to sunflower oil ???
  • deviated septum, baby
  • has a surprisingly weak immune system
  • usually has recently burned or scratched/scuffed up hands and slight nerve damage in the left, running down to almost the elbow; it’s not an uncommon occurrence to see her with them wrapped & bandaged up if she doesn’t have her gloves on
  • yeah 

she has a handful of tattoos, most of them being from when she was younger
one that covers most of her back, a sort of cluster of roses than run down and spread out from her spine with cursive at the bottom reading "L'imperfetto.", or "imperfection"/"the imperfect", and it‘s spread over about 2/3 of her back

one on her right thigh of another couple of roses (do you think she likes them hmmm), and again more text below in cursive, though this one instead reads "L'rovinato.", or "the damaged/ruined", and has snakes instead of vines wrapping around/through the flowers.
 it runs from right at the bottom of her hip/the top of her leg to about 6 or 8 inches above her knee.

there’s another on her left wrist, and it’s just the date she was married on, reading "7.12", with a line underneath of the numbers and a small little stencil-style heart after it. 

one is a simple quote, written in cursive; part of the prologue to romeo and juliet, and it’s surrounded by a few “vinelike” lines and curves that wrap around it
the words themselves read the last two lines of it, being:
“From ancient grudge
break to new mutiny,
Where civil blood makes
civil hands unclean.”

the fifth and sixth ones are simple and a little stupid looking, but she’s alright with it because it holds a bit of story behind it. 
the fifth just an infinity sign that stretches across the back of her neck, and with how she keeps her hair styled and the length that it’s at, you usually can’t see it, but it’s visible if she puts her hair up.
the sixth is a string of three hearts running down her right arm with an arrow through the middle of them all.

the seventh is just a small cluster of roses on her left shoulder/collarbone, crossing onto both her front and backsides. 


she’s got a lot of small scratches and bruises and scars all over her just because of recklessness hat eventually will fade or already have faded, but she does have two more serious scars that don’t ever actually fade or really go away:
one kind of curves and runs along and down the bridge of her nose (more towards the right side) and is slightly indented/sunken in; it came from a blade wound after a guy she got into a fight with pulled it out on her and tried to go for her eyes, but ended up missing. 
it’s about ten years old though and partially faded, and due to how pale she already is it’s a little hard to see from a distance in the mess of all her freckles. 
up close though, it can be pretty easily seen; it’s around an inch and a half long and slightly curved or jagged looking due to the angle she was struck at and how the blade hit her nose.
this scar was sustained at the same time as the one on her right cheek, which runs just below the higher edge of her cheekbone. 

the other one is actually a burn scar on the back side of her left hand that covers most of the skin, going from (and covering a good bit of) her thumb and moving around her ring finger. part of the scar on the side near the thumb, the more severely burned side, goes slightly below the wrist by about an inch or so. the burn extends partially up her middle finger as well, but still doesn’t sit anywhere upwards of the first knuckle. 
that hand is usually kept either wrapped up and bandaged or if need be, she also has a (fingerless) tight-fit glove made of very thin cloth. people hardly ever see her without the hand wrapped up as she doesn’t feel any desire to either have to explain what it’s from and that she’s fine, along with the fact that she just really doesn’t want to gross people out with it, seeing as it isn’t exactly a pretty sight for anyone to have to look at.
it’s a very prominent scar/wound and when uncovered, can be easily seen both from a distance and up close due to the slight sheen and smooth texture of the scar, as well as red and white blotting in the affected area of skin. 

nerve damage in that hand (the left hand) affects the majority of the burned area a slight bit, but mostly affects the thumb and wrist and runs down almost to her elbow. this causes occasional numbness and fairly frequent pain running through her hand and/or wrist, and out of habit to try and fight the numbness (or pain), she often flexes her fingers by repeatedly curling and uncurling her fingers into a fist. in addition to making fists, she also pops her knuckles, back, and neck out of habit.


she also drives a motorcycle, which is pretty cool
it’s a black+silver bmw, f700 gs with, you guessed it, a couple roses.
don’t worry, her jacket has them too
you’d almost think she has a thing for the flower, huh