

Called Kiyo

Gender Trans man

Pronouns he/him

Age 23

Species Catboy?

Role college student

Theme Song Name

HTML Pinky


College student by day, also a college student by night but extra tired by then. Kiyo is a 23 year old history major with a habit of not getting enough sleep in order to get work done. His personal motto is "I need a ten year nap and a life's supply of coffee." He enjoys writing, including writing essays, which is what pushed him into deciding to be a history major. He's a bit unsure what he's going to do with his degree still, but he'll figure it out when the time comes. Currently trying to get a job for a bit of extra pocket money, though the extra work really isn't something he needs on his plate with his already next to zero relaxation time.


Height 5'3"

Build Lithe

Eyes light blue ?

Skin Tone Pale

Hair Color Dark violet, near black

Hair Style Long, usually tied into a braid

Demeanor Cold and closed off


  • He has a mole under his right eye
  • Often has a wrist brace on his right wrist
  • Two small earrings in left ear


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious

Kiyo, at the very least, tries to be polite. In classes, he generally keeps his head down and minds his business, not wanting to bother interacting with his classmates. He doesn’t really have a particular problem with the people around him, he is just disinterested. In spite of this attempt at being seen as amicable when he has to speak to people, he can sometimes accidentally come across more blunt or abrasive than he may have intended. He has a sharp tongue and sometimes things slip out before he can think them through- especially when he is especially tired, which can become a nasty combo with becoming more irritable from exhuastion as well. Just more reasons for him to not bother interacting with other people if he can help it.

He is percieved by others as being very calm, potentially shy, and with dry humour. Most of the time what's seen as dry humour is just him bluntly speaking his thoughts aloud, but whatever makes people happy.


Bitter things

Kiyo's favourite flavour of food or drink is anything bitter! He thinks the tastes of pure bitterness that isn't covered up by anyhting else is really interesting. He particularly enjoys bitter tea, or black coffee if he is need of more caffiene.

Rainy weather

Kiyo would like being outside more in general if there were less people around. Particularly, ever since he was a kid, he has enjoyed being outside in rainy weather. He likes the sound and smells of rain, and the refreshing feeling of the droplets hitting him. It's too bad being out in rain can make you sick.


They're just like him fr


Kiyo enjoys all sorts of writing, from essays to creative writing. His essay writing especially being something he realized he was prolific in and interested in and high school, and was inspired to go into studying history so he could spend more time enjoying the process of researching and writing about history or political topics that he finds interesting.


Sweet things

Contrasting his preference for bitter food and drink, Kiyo really can't stand most sweet things. Especially if they're chewy. he just hates how they feel in his mouth and leave him feeling sticky, and the sweet flavours feel overwhelming.

His wrist pain

A given, but a dislike nonetheless. He developed chronic wrist pain (likely carpal tunnel) from his excessive writing and such, has to be more careful with it now. He finds this incredibly irritating, as any reasonable person would.

Loud noises

Kiyo's ears a bit sensitive and he is prone to headaches from exhaustion, so he can't stand loud noises. People are already irritating to him, why do they have to make such a ruckus too?

Most people

Not as much outright dislike as it is apathy. He can be easily irritable a lot of the time, so the general public that he already doesn't get along with can feel particularly obnoxious for him sometimes.




Kiyo doesn't have a lot of free time for hobbies, but he enjoys writing for fun as well. He likes researching interesting topics to write about. He also enjoys creative writing, though struggles with creative block and inspiration quite often. He has an interesting in poetry, but has never felt like he's gotten the hang of writing it himself. Aside from writing, he has getting into knitting a bit- though again, he doesn't have as much time as he'd like to explore that hobby.


Kiyo hates having his ears, hair, or tail pet, point blank. The audacity of some strangers thinking they have a right to pet him drives him mad. He will bite or slap if provoked, so it's best to keep your hands to yourself...



Kiyo grew up with just his mother, as well as an eventual younger sister. Though he is grateful for things his mother has provided for him during his life, they have always clashed a lot in ideals and personalities which has led to some resentment on Kiyo’s end. It doesn’t help that he knows his younger sister was the preferred child due to her going down a path their mother wanted more. Ugh, and then the awful woman his mother has started dating recently that insists Kiyo call her mom… Because of all this, he is quite withdrawn from his family. He’s also just a rather unsociable person anyway, preferring to focus on his hobbies or studies and not have to deal with the hassle that comes with interaction with and maintaining relationships with others.

His decision to become a history major stemmed from a few things- his interest in writing, his proclivity for essay writing specifically, and a very small part that wanted to spite his mother. He’s not entirely sure what he intends to do with his degree, but whatever it is will not be of a high enough standard to truly please his mother. But it’s something he’s good at and doesn’t downright hate, so she can suck it up.

Kiyo is currently attempting to get a job at a nearby coffee shop for a bit of pocket money, despite the fact that he really doesn’t need anything else on his plate right now. It’s especially unnecessary when his mother is paying for college for him- Maybe that’s all the more reason to want more of his own money from a job, though.







Barista at a coffee shop near campus Kiyo has been venturing into lately. The first time Kiyo met him, he ended up accidentally ordering a drink he hated because he was so starstruck by the other boy.




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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.