Cshar Rin



4 months, 14 days ago



Name Cshar Rin
Nickname N/A
Age 226
Pronouns She/Her
Race Oni
Role Barbarian
Height 7'5"
Alignment Neutral
Demeanor Casual & Easy Going
Theme TBD


  • Alcohol
  • Travling
  • Fighting
  • Wealth


  • Racism
  • Clothing
  • Prudence
  • Monogamy

Associated Characters


Cshar is a fairly content person; traveling for the vast majority of her life has given her a perspective that not that many could also claim. Her long life span has helped her see a lifetime's worth of wonders and sometimes horrors through the lands, none encapsulating both of those aspects better than alcohol and women. The two most sought-after things for Cshar besides battle.

A worshiper of the Goddess of Love, Sune. Cshar is very much about kindness and a peaceful atmosphere, the fresh spring winds carrying the petals on the wind with the first warm days of summer set in. Cshar enjoys a quiet life of kindness and comradery among those around her and those she meets in her travels, new places are a welcome sight, and she likes to go into every new day with a smile and the hope of good things to come.

A worshipper of the God of War, Tempus. Cshar is absolutely an enjoyer of battle, rain-soaked or sun-baked fields of corpses and corpse makers clashing against one another until only one side remains unbroken. Cshar will not shy from any opportunity to unleash her aggressive nature into the world, releasing all the pent-up rage of her past and her resentment at her self-impositions into her weapons and her fists until the pain lessens enough for her to regain composure.

Cshar is a self-proclaimed adventurer who very much enjoys all aspects that lifestyle provides, even some of the less glamorous things that many would trade for modern or magical comforts, such as a reliable fire or a roof over one's head.

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