Terrance Mathews



4 months, 5 days ago




-Terrance is strict, fatherly, rigid and eloquent. Most of the people he’s ever been close to he ends up taking care of. He also feels compelled to teach his own way of living, wanting his loved ones to be better examples of People so they won’t reflect poorly on his own image. Past all of this strictness and judgement, Terry is a soft masochist, he’s witty, flamboyant, and a huge suck up, though this is part of his own manipulative nature, even if it’s being under someones boot, he’s sure he’s getting what he wants.


Name: Terrance Mathews

Height: 5'10

Age: 45

gender: male

Species: human/house cat

Birthday: June 29th

Occupation: Robotics engineer and accountant

Hello... I'm Terrance... I may not look it but I am a man of many skillsets and talents, if you're looking for someone productive, alert, dedicated and loyal, I'm your guy. I mainly just do accounting now, I prefer a quiet environment, If you cannot provide that do not waste my time. 




In the 1970's I was Human once, very briefly in a test tube, I was altered, I don't know the exact details of it...but they changed me, when I was "born" I had whiskers and a tail. I was put through horrendous tests and hidden away until my freedom was demanded by the government and activist groups. I am one of the first successful spliced experiments in the US, some people just call me a hybrid. I don't really like to talk about the tests I endured, just take my word for it when I say it was difficult and had lasting consequences for me, there should be reparations but the world isn't very fair. I was about 7 years old when i was "freed", adopted by a couple who got a paycheck for taking care of me, we lived in a small town around the edge of California state, my parents loved me almost instantly, they were very involved in my life and made sure I could catch up, having spent a lot of my crucial developing years in labs... Through them I found god, and my life made a turn for the better. As a child I was always on my best behavior, but during this period I developed painful-psi powers, (a direct result of those tests) this caused a massive rift in my relationship with my parents, they saw it as a "bad sign" of sorts, I was destructive, confused...My poor parents did what they could to fix me and keep me in line, and I complied the best I could. truth be told, it wasn't just the psi that caused a rift, I was just "odd" but who isn't when they are that young? after all I had been through it was only natural that I'd need a bit of guidance. Back then, hybrids like me weren't common and neither were animal men in general, it was very isolating but it made me feel sort of special at the time. One of my closest friends was another hybrid from the same facility, I wouldn't call him family.. but he was as close to me as friends could be, when I was failing, when i couldn't talk to my parents, he was there for me, sometimes I feel like he was the only person who could really understand me, or ever has even.. Unfortunately he wasn't as blessed with who he went to. I didn't like his parents, whenever i was sent away for my own problems I worried for his well being, I wished so badly he could just live with me and be safer.. eventually something occurred that resolved this somewhat...a freak accident if you will.. But even so, he went downhill from there. I made it my mission to be his new family and spend every waking hour I could being there for him. In highschool and college I thrived, and I started learning how to build machines and the like, it just clicked with my brain. My best friend (his name is Tony) and I lived together at this point, no matter what I did he seemed to continue going down a bad trajectory... I kind of became a caretaker, not that I minded! I just wanted him to be happy and fulfilled, I wanted his future to be secure, I thought about his well being way more than I ever thought about my own.. my own self preservation kept slipping.. You could say I had an unhealthy obsession with this man. He scared and excited me, during our years spent together I discovered he was more like me than I initially thought.. you see.. Tony could not die.. Its hard to believe until you..erm.. witness it firsthand. Gunshot, fire, poison, he comes back the next day like nothing happened.. its haunting.. I did not want to ever be on his bad side, my role as a friend slowly shifted to one of servitude... I don't know what came over me. I'm guilty of enabling him on that bad path, its something that's hard for me to live with, I just couldn't say no to anything ever, I felt like I owed him for reasons I shouldn't disclose.. He understood me and what I was, I wanted to give him the world just for looking my way. As thrilling as all this was, it wasn't practical or good in the long run, I was being infected by his poison and it went too far..it effected my life in irreversible ways and I could aid him no longer.

I left. I made myself useless to him, I got a surgical procedure done so I would lose my powers. I changed my name. Surely he will not find me or want me now.



I am older now, I'm 45 actually.. turning 46 this year.. I've been lying low, I found honest work as an accountant and I still have a lot of money from my previous work. My head hurts everyday but its worth it for people's thoughts to be less loud, and to not be a mere asset for the wicked. I do not like people very much in general. Animal men are very common these days, dogs, cats, foxes.. to name a few, they're like people but their thoughts are more erratic, rude, impulsive...You get the idea, I'm a little grateful they're around though because now people stare at me less. Staring never stops though, no matter how many cats and dogs are around! Its extremely annoying. I still don't want to be alone though, I'm still human, its just hard under my circumstances to have a normal relationship with anyone. Recently I did find an odd character through an accident that brought us together. He knew I had psi abilities and was able to block it completely. I jumped at this opportunity to have a normal friendship, I did everything I could to appease this strange creature, He's a fox.. a rather large one, somewhat scary. He's the only person I ever met who I cant hear the inner workings of completely, its dead silent. I let him stay with me even though he's rather horrible, because I kind of miss coming home to somebody.. I don't agree with his line of work but there's no changing that guy. I don't want to even talk about him. 

My living space


I Just live in a rather large apartment by the coast, it has 3 bedrooms. Those rooms consist of an office (I work from home sometimes) My room, and the spare room for my roommate. I keep it tidy and I don't have much furniture, I keep lots of plants because they have a nice energy.. The unit I rent has large windows so there's tons of natural light, I'm very fortunate. Bailey's room looks like a tornado blew through it, I hate it, but if he keeps it contained in there its fine. 




  • e02e3b64.gif?v=12c7c0a1 theater
  • e02e3b64.gif?v=12c7c0a1 retro videogames
  • e02e3b64.gif?v=12c7c0a1 organizing
  • e02e3b64.gif?v=12c7c0a1 mean guys
  • e02e3b64.gif?v=12c7c0a1 orders


  • 008d2887.gif?v=a5c82efa cursing
  • 008d2887.gif?v=a5c82efa being wet
  • 008d2887.gif?v=a5c82efa junk food
  • 008d2887.gif?v=a5c82efa cgi
  • 008d2887.gif?v=a5c82efa non conformity
  • 3f7180d1.gif?v=12c7c0a1 Devout christian, victim of conversion therapy. traditionalist. 
  • Terrance Mathew's original name is Terrance Adams, he changed it when he moved away from his home town in his 30's. He is hiding from his past but he yearns for his ex friend to return to him and mess his life up again. He victimizes himself but he has enabled alot of that behavior just for entertainment. He's very inlove. 
  • 3f7180d1.gif?v=12c7c0a1 Terrance is a homosexual in deep denial about it, Because of this he attempted a marriage in his 20's when pressured by those around him. It was mostly to keep appearances. 
  • 3f7180d1.gif?v=12c7c0a1 before changing identities he made alot of money building robots that performed small tasks for people, post change he stopped just to disassociate from his former self. He doesn't really want people to recognize him for what he's done, but he wants to show off very badly deep down. Since he has gotten a implant in his brain to dull his powers his personality completely shifted, He is fearful he is now a scrawny man who could easily be hurt by just anyone, and he suffers severe ptsd from the past abuse he endured in general
  • 3f7180d1.gif?v=12c7c0a1 His roommate bailey is someone he's drawn to because he reminds him of a safer version of the man he's in love with, he sometimes mixes the two up. He would never admit this though and insists he just wants to help the guy on his feet and enjoys the quiet that comes with his ability to block psi. He is very weak to Bailey's manipulation because of the connection to tony in his head. The longer he lives with him the more he sees him as his own individual self and he doesn't want to face how he feels about him. Terry and Bailey are codependent like Terry and tony were, Terry is just drawn to relationships where he is serving and being used.  




Past lover





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