
3 months, 17 days ago



Gender Trans woman

Pronouns She/Her

Age 25

Birthday content

Sexuality Lesbian

Occupation Wrestler

Species Human(?)

Moodboard Pinterest Board

"She called me an attention whore so I decided to become one!"- Mourn on Local news 2022


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Eyes Brown

Skin Tone White w/ freckles

Hair Color Naturally brown, but bleached white.

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Mourn regularly played in the woods as a kid when she eventually befriended some of the creatures living in the forest behind her house. After befriending them, the creatures gave her access to another world and is gifted with the ability to see entities that everyone else in her life eventually lost the ability to see after growing up. The only person that believed her was Kiki, her childhood friend who she was naive enough to trust with telling when they were 7. Mourn quickly learned that she could not tell people anymore around middle school because no one would believe her.

Around high school, not knowing what to do with her life she ended up joining a wrestling club and ended up getting a scholarship in wrestling. around mid high school her mother had a baby with her new stepdad and she ended up having a little sister. She was only able to move out shortly after graduating college when she saved up enough money from part time jobs. Mourn and Kiki are now roommates to save on rent. She planned on going no contact with her family but she has a close relationship with her little sister so Mourn stays in touch. Due to Mourn's lack of experience in working in the wrestling profession her and Kiki ended up working as a personal trainer at a gym that one of their mutual friends works at.


  • Horror Games, She relates to the mcs.
  • Michelangelo from TMNT
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Nunc at suscipit elit, eget molestie velit. In pellentesque magna vel turpis consequat, vel porttitor nunc rhoncus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Mauris condimentum quis ipsum at pretium. Sed scelerisque dapibus porta. Phasellus non pretium arcu. Nam iaculis faucibus dolor, vitae tristique massa tincidunt non. Aenean id justo quis sem aliquet accumsan a non libero. Curabitur mauris elit, facilisis non risus vel, placerat dictum turpis. Praesent lobortis tristique nibh, ac cursus est efficitur sed. Donec ornare congue placerat. Sed erat justo, tempor vel laoreet ac, hendrerit vitae odio.

Morbi imperdiet pretium elit, tristique porttitor leo facilisis non. Phasellus lectus turpis, bibendum at iaculis sit amet, pretium in ante. Etiam et maximus dolor. Etiam ac lacus et enim fringilla euismod vel vel tortor. Duis tincidunt nisl velit, non elementum diam convallis quis. Vestibulum nec facilisis lacus. Etiam malesuada dui quis sem placerat, id tristique urna maximus. Pellentesque metus orci, bibendum vitae lectus vulputate, vulputate tincidunt nulla. Nam sed leo sed dolor dapibus semper.


  • Mourn dyed her hair gray in highschool and college until her hair was cut off. she redyed it white when it grew out.
  • Mourn is haunted by the "Gimme my lime" meme :D. she hated it at first but now unironically does the lip tilt.
  • Mourn Smells like green apples
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