


3 months, 13 days ago


"do the candles look forward to being used?"

Name Azazel
Age tiefling bs
Alias The rosen thief
Gender Male
Sexuality Bisexual
Pronouns he / him
Role rogue
Race tiefling

"enjoy bidding adieu, adieu?"
  • pink
  • i hate this queer
  • i want him to be put down
  • like inhumanely
  • beat his skull in with a rock
Reference Here

Charming, flirty and deceptive. Finds humor often in sarcasm. This front usually fades around those he is close to, becoming more blunt but friendly, a pessimist at heart

Believes the world can be controlled with some well placed charming words and money


solitary social
observant dense
logical emotional
organised messy
assertive turbulent

"i love you tonight, you are my knight,"

Hellish resistance to fire from infernal bloodline.


darkvision, can see in the darkness up to 60ft.


Son of politicians, learnt to charm and flirt his way through life, starting with dinner guests at his parents place. He resented the "boring and uptight" lifestyle and found himself helping a child gang of thieves stealing for their family in his spare time, acting as a distraction to the victim. Azazel's mother and father caught onto these activities and kicked him out of house and home to spare tarnish on the family name.

Finding himself short on money he was able to secure a job at sharess's caress, a small brothel. Over the years as an employee he gained the nickname "the incubus", due to his infernal bloodline him and other tiefling members of the community found offence to this. Azazel would never confront the name though, as it brought him in more clients.

to be changed bc i changed some things blaaaaaahh.


  • theres a good word to describe him
  • starts with an f
  • ends with a t
  • rhymes with baguette
  • and rabbit ^_^

"cure and assure and make me feel alright."
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they make out sloppy

real sloppy theyre in love

hell yeah man


Facilisi morbi tempus iaculis urna id volutpat lacus laoreet non. Ut venenatis tellus in metus vulputate. Elit at imperdiet dui accumsan sit amet nulla facilisi. Dignissim suspendisse in est ante in nibh.

Varius sit amet mattis vulputate enim nulla aliquet. Tellus molestie nunc non blandit massa enim nec dui. Orci phasellus egestas tellus rutrum tellus pellentesque eu tincidunt. Felis eget nunc lobortis mattis aliquam faucibus!