


4 months, 8 days ago


old bio archive, will add new one relevant to setting. also redesign pending to adjust him to how I see him in my head <- he sometimes appears usually along w/ blanche & noir in disconnected instances

"Jecur", 444 years old (allegedly), male-adjacent, height varies

A Receptionist working in the Call Center, tasked with manipulating the callers in need of emotional assistance in order to convert them to the ways of The Company. Collects their personal information, writing detailed reports on each and every caller just like many other Receptionists. His chords allow him to listen to numerous calls at once, as he usually says the same exact thing to every caller anyway

Whenever a caller is deemed too far gone by the Company, he is one of the many Cleaners sent to take them out. Does so with the usage of his ability to transform his body into various weapons, and seemingly takes joy in inflicting as much pain as possible before taking out his target

Lacks any remorse in what he does, as not only is he a firm believer in the Company's methods, but the thrill he gets from murdering Callers is the sole source of entertainment he has

Is confident in his autonomy and believes he willingly signed up for his duty, unaware that he is just another cog in the system created by the Company itself to do its bidding. Has false memories of his past programmed into him, having been led to believe that his lack of recollection of how he joined is due to a simple lapse in memory