


5 years, 10 months ago



"Fuck off mate"

Eris is a deity that just so happens to hate everyone and everything, excluding her only friend. Eris is the god of chaos and destruction, so she does as much as possible to destroy relationships and whatever else she feels like. She speaks her mind due to her not caring what anyone thinks. She has little to no friends, from not wanting to deal with humans or other deities. She prefers to speak to demons and succubi, since they're usually assholes as well. She used to feel lonely but now she doens't care anymore, or at least that's what she tells others.



When Eris was created her name was Eros and she wasn't the goddess of destruction, she was the goddess of love and desire. She has 7 other sisters, each one born as a goddess of something positive, but a tad insignificant. Eros did her job helping creatures, and humans fall in love and create offspring but then came the day were she helped set her sisters up with other deities. Eros suddenly felt alone, all her sisters were no longer there to give her support- they were busy creating new things. She began to fall into a downward spiral of depression and anger; she knew she could never love anyone because of her status as the goddess of love. So she decided in a fit of anger and feelings of betrayal to cause problems for her sisters. Eros started to mess with the humans, making them fall in love with animals, objects, and even themselves. Her siblings did nothing to stop the chaos till it started to cause problems for the goddesses of fertility. Her sisters decided the best option was to cast her into the underworld till she learned her lesson and agreed to do her job. Down in the underworld Eros began to grow angerier and angerier, losing the peices of humanity left in her. Till after several years of being stuck down there, a Succubus named Astrid convinced her she should do what she wants to do and it doesn't matter who's affected. The two of them began to talk everyday and helped Eros slowly change into Eris. Now Eris is now longer in charge of love and desire but chaos and destruction.

【 Name 】 Eris 【 Gender 】 Female
【 Age 】 Unknown 【 Height 】 5'10"
【 Body Shape 】 Hour Glass 【 Race 】 Goddess
【 Sexuality 】 Pansexual 【 Theme 】 Nobody

【 Charisma 】
【 Kindness 】
【 Temper 】
【 Integrity 】
【 Intelligence 】
【 Judgement 】
【 Maturity 】
【 Humor 】

- She has barbed wire in her right arm

- The card behind her ear is the Ace of Hearts. She can be drawn without it but I would prefer if you kept it

- Her mouth is shaped into those sharp points and are red. Her mouth resembles a monster's




[ Best Friends ] Astrid helped Eris realize who she really is and come to terms with her bitchy self. The two of them are incredibly close and talk practially everyday.



[ Friends ] The two of them have met several times on Eris' visits to the underworld for Astrid and hit it off pretty well. The two of them hate humans and love bonding over how much everyone sucks.



[ Acquaintances ] Eris has seen Ophelia in the Underworld but only once or twice, since Ophelia prefers to stay with her girlfriend. Eris isn't too interested in actually talking to her though; she's heard Opehlia isn't the typical succubus.
