
(1420.4556) Grem

Called Gremlin
Pronouns They/He
Age Adult - Exact Age Unknown
Special Info Mute
Species Alien/AI
Personality ENFP-A
Xeno Outreach Ambassador

Tall (7' 6") and incredibly delicate, Grem could be mistaken for an otherworldly glass sculpture, with his thin, graceful limbs and and his exaggerated torso. Grem is vaguely humanoid in shape, but seems to lack any kind of eyes, nose, or mouth, leaving him with a smooth, featureless face that surely doesn't help with his uncanny presence.

Grem's skin is translucent and slightly reflective; beneath, the workings of tiny circuits and glimmering, delicate machinery can be seen, though certainly nothing like anything found on earth. His hands are just that much of the time, with each possessing three long, thin digits and a thumb. With a thought they can transform into whatever tool Grem might need to function, or to protect himself, though he prefers non-violence. Grem's legs end in digitigrade feet, and also seem to bear that odd air of 'incompleteness', a suggestion of life still being formed. There are feet, but they are smooth and featureless, without toes.

Grem also possesses 'sensory tendrils', which seem to be his primary way of gathering information from and interacting with his environment. These appear as thin red filaments that can emerge from any point on his body, but most often are seen 'sniffing the air' about his head and shoulders. Grem can also hide these at will, retracting them beneath his skin and out of sight, and often does so around strangers, as they are incredibly delicate.

He has no visible genitalia (and in fact may not even have any), and so Grem sees no reason to be modest. He doesn't enjoy wearing clothes, and he tends to strip bare whenever anyone tries to force any on him the first chance that he gets. Grem does however enjoy wearing hats on occasion, or the odd sparkly tie. Whether this is for his own enjoyment or simply because it makes his partner laugh, only Grem knows.

He is rarely seen without his partner and handler, Casper.

!! - Profile image was done by the lovely Ivyking!

  • Radios & Other Small Electronics
  • Being Nosy
  • Warm Sunshine
  • New Experiences
  • Being to what to do
  • Dark Places
  • Violence
  • Being separated from Casper


Grem is very closed off about where he came from. From the little he's told Casper, he's from a civilization that long ago uploaded their minds into a digital utopia. No new members of their species, at least biologically, have been born in a very long time, but computerized consciousnesses are created and infused with the personality traits of their family lines-- technically making Grem and A.I. though he's insisted that it's more complicated than that.

When these new consciousnesses reach a certain age, they are permitted to inhabit a physical avatar for a time and explore the universe around them before they are meant to return home for good. Grem simply... never went back. He won't say more on the subject.

When he arrived on earth he was captured by an international organization invested in the finding of life outside of Earth. In reality, considering Grem's extensive abilities, it's very likely he simply allowed them to capture him. Either way, they were thrilled. But Grem was less than communicative, and was far more interested in studying the scientists examining him than allowing them to study him.

Casper, working in an adjacent department, happened into an encounter with Grem one day. After an accident had left her seriously injured and unable to do her previous work, she had grown despondent and depressed. But Grem was fascinated with her prosthetics, and what was more, the electronic components in them allowed him to communicate with her openly. With some reluctance, Casper allowed Grem to upgrade her prosthetics, making it easier for her to work, and him to communicate.

Grem refused to leave her side after that. They've formed a somewhat strange friendship between them, but as Casper is the only one that Grem will willingly work with, they've become an inseparable team, and are rarely seen apart, either out in the field or doing research within the outreach program's facilities.


Casper is warm, friendly, and easy to get along with. She's always quick with a joke or a compliment to defuse potentially tense situations, and works well under pressure where others might crack. She's very intelligent, but isn't so proud that she can't play dumb if she thinks it'll meet her goals better than being the smartest person in the room.

She's very aware of how much her partner in crime can make people uncomfortable, and does her best to ensure that they're both putting their best foot forward. Sometimes this makes her just as much a babysitter as a friend and partner, and curbing Grem's insatiable curiosity sometimes leaves her with little time to rest. She's a bit of a workaholic in this regard, and though she's very rarely snappish because of it, she does have a habit of dozing off nearly anywhere she thinks she can steal a five minute nap, and she's shameless about it.

Casper has expressive, dark brown eyes situated beneath a set of well groomed, angular eyebrows that might make her look stern and taciturn if not for the slight smile that seems to linger on her face, even in the worst of times. Her hair, dark and full of waves that threaten to curl in the slightest humidity, is usually pulled back into a no-nonsense bun or otherwise cut short. She's not terribly tall (5' 1"), particularly next to Grem's considerable height, and is of average build.

Casper tends to favor functional, comfortable clothing, but she's just as happy if she can make it look good too. That being said, she's not one to sacrifice comfort for fashion, nor shun the wonders of sweat pants and a t-shirt when she can get away with it, but Casper is always neatly groomed no matter what she's wearing.


  • Skills & Abilities
    ♢ Polygot
    ♢ Sensory Tendrils
    ♢ Technopath
    ♢ Pressure Point Knowledge/Martial Arts
    ♢ Nanobots
    ♢ Malleable Body
    ♢ Living Supercomputer
    ♢ Bio-Connections
    ♢ No Biological Needs
    ♢ Cyborg Partner
    ♢ Long Distance Communication with Casper

  • Limitations & Weaknesses
    ♦ Pacifist
    ♦ Solar Powered
    ♦ Susceptible to Some Computer Viruses
    ♦ Glass Canon/Very Delicate
    ♦ Technically Mute
    ♦ Many Abilities Require Physical Contact/Focus
Height 7'6"
Body type Exaggerated Hourglass, Very Thin
Hair No hair, body or head
Other Sensory Tendrils
Facial Features None, Smooth
Skin Translucent, Glowing 'innards'


  • Observant, clever, gentle, adaptable, brave, friendly, confident, intelligent, flexible.

  • Inquisitive, energetic, independent, mischievous, calculating, orange & blue morals, cunning, uninhibited, forgetful.

  • Impulsive, lacks social boundaries, illusion of innocence, detached, insensitive, irresponsible, self indulgent.

html by Euna