


7 months, 10 days ago



Althanamir, or often referred to as Alhtan. He was born to a Cosmic and Electric couple, and from a young age both resented and feared his father; a cold and distant electric wolf named Sikirus. From a young age, Sikirus pressured and forced Althan to follow in his footsteps, forcing him to train hard and relentlessly from a young age. His father had been banished from the Electric kingdom for wanting to be mates with a low ranking female Electric wolf, dishonoring his family. It was almost as if Sikirus saw Althan as some kind of salvation for the sins he had committed when he had been given a Hybrid son when he already had dishonored his family, and so his father raised him to hate the Electric and Light King and Queen. But as Althan grew, he came to realize what kind of life a King or Queen would live, and that anyone should be able to become one if they were set to become one. Althan grew resentful over his father's actions and behaviour towards him, but one event changed everything.

What happened during this event is unknown, but it led his father to leave Althanamir, and Althan never saw his father again.

But now with his father gone, Althanamir had one goal in mind; "If the Electric Wolves and Light wolves can have a king and queen.. why can't I be?" At first, it was difficult for him to obtain followers, but through brute force and spite, he slowly gathered a pack, and over time he learned of his half brother's existence; Leyland, and his goal was suddenly within reach when he learned that Leyland not only shared half of his blood, but he had a Demonic Summoning, and he welcomed them both into his pack. Believing Leyland went through the same merciless and manipulation he went through, he went with the assumption he needed to save his brother from that mindset.

Althanamir is a calm adult male who shows traits of being a leader, comfortably giving out orders and commands to those below him. He demands respect, and won't hesitate to use sheer brute force to those who does not obey. He's charimastic and charmful. He is curious, but he's not very empathic towards others. His focus is on his mission; Become King of his own territory, no matter what it takes. He's shown more compassion towards his younger half brother, and manipulates him to be on his side with the promise of everything will work out as long as they're together and work together. He has even shown sympathy and pity over his younger brother, although he struggles to empathize with him and understand his emotions. It's unknown if his relationship towards Leyland is genuine or not. He will often manipulate Leyland into using the demonic summoning to force packs to join him and add their territory to Althanamir's, slowly expanding his own little 'kingdom' that consists of various packs. Him and Yuuvisei do not get along at all.


Leyland (Brother)

Physical Description

Symbolized - Yes
Marked - Yes
Mutated - Yes


Element - Cosmic
Inherited Ability - Call of Storms

Althanamir is an AzureHowl Reborn fan character. Species, bases and lore belongs to Shilach

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