Nowaki Kurahi



8 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info


Nowaki Kurahi








August 3

Hair Color


Eye Color





Younger brother


Reading, writing, sweets, cute stuff, home cooking


Bullies, arrogance, large bodies of water


Canon voice: Youtube link (Jang Guen Suk)

Nowaki's first twelve years of life were in that of modern day nobility. His father was a figure high in the chain of a big company, thus he lived in a mansion on a private estate. Nowaki's mother and father had married due to an arranged marriage. However, the two did not love each other and merely had children to keep up an image. Even at a young age, Nowaki knew this. Nowaki didn't know much about family love and affection, until his brother was born. His little brother, Arashi, instantly became someone he wanted to protect and give the love he knew his parents would not give. 

Sometime after Nowaki turned twelve, his father lost his job due to reasons Nowaki never knew. His father left his mother with Nowaki and Arashi, who was six years old. His mother's mental state deteriorated quickly, unable to handle raising her two kids and lose the estate at the same time. When she was deemed an unfit parent, children services came to take Nowaki and Arashi away. Nowaki had just come home from school when he saw strange people taking away his younger brother. He tried to fight back and take his brother back but being only a child, he was very incapable of doing so. The instinct to protect, anger, frustration, and his brother crying for him triggered Nowaki's evolution. He wasted no time after his evolution to let a large fire attack build up in his gut. Once it released, he incapacitated several of the people. However, there were still too many and he drained his body after mustering such a large attack. He was then taken away and put in a foster home.

The young Houndoom moved from home to home, but never bonded with any of the families. He behaved for the most part, and kept doing well in school. That is, until he got into high school. Nowaki had made a few friends in school, but his closest friend was a Suicune by the name of Cecil Strathorne. Cecil was also from a rich background, but his family was close knit and very well known in the town. They owned many businesses, but for some reason the young Suicune attended a public school. This was due to personal reasons. Nowaki found a kindred spirit in Cecil, both understanding the strict upbringing of a wealthy and business oriented family. Together, they raised hell and wreaked havoc, not caring about the consequences. The duo became inseperable, until Nowaki's foster family couldn't handle his bad behavior anymore. He was then moved again to another family, this one being his last as he was entering his senior year. After losing contact with his best friend, he decided to get a job. He went through the rest of his senior year calmly and distant from others like he had before meeting Cecil. 

After graduation, Nowaki used the money he had saved up from his job to get his own studio apartment. It was small but he was glad that he was on his own. After getting another job at a writing agency and working his way through the ranks, he was able to afford a nicer apartment in a nicer part of town. He didn't move all the way to the top at the agency and he was perfectly satisfied with that.

After years of living there, he realized there were parts of town he had yet to visit. So the Houndoom decided to go to a small bookstore he had never been to before. There he met a young Espeon named Alexander, and the affection he felt was instant. Alex worked at the bookstore, and had the same deep love for books that Nowaki had. Having mutual attraction, they bonded over books they both liked. One night after closing the bookstore, Alex got mugged by a Gengar. Nowaki came along just in time before Alex got too hurt and burned the Gengar to a crisp. Alex had passed out before Nowaki could ask him if he had any family he could contact. Panicking and not knowing the town well still, Nowaki took Alex back his apartment and tended to his wounds himself. 

Soon after this incident, the two fell in love and became a couple. And though Nowaki is very happy now with how his life is, one of his main priorities is to find his brother.