




Height: Fluctuates
Weight: Unknown
Age: Endless
Sexuality: Unknown
Pronouns: He/Him
Magic Type: Transformation and nature control

   In southern Arteshay there exists tales of an unpredictable spirit within the endless forest. Those who encounter him are often never seen again. It is said he steals the souls of those lost in the woods and devours them to prolong his life, or perhaps it is to protect the forest from outsiders that might do it harm. Some say if you offer something to the spirit, he will instead take a liking to you and lead you out of the forest. What this something is varies between retellings of the tale. Some suggest the offering must be a pelt from a rare beast of the northern mountains, while others say a simple offering of turnips will put you in good graces with the lord of the wood. No one knows for sure what is true, for none have ever spoken of their experiences with this temperamental spirit.

   Artorias, to the rare people who know him by this name, can be malicious or mischievous. His appearance between people can change slightly, usually with differences regarding his height and how many prongs are on his antlers. The tips, however, are always dyed red. Whether this is blood or not cannot be known for sure. Once every decade he drops his antlers, which for him is a very stressful experience. He takes great pride in them, and to be seen without them is an embarrassing experience. Never mock him for this, for even if you're a friend this offense can get you killed. He cares greatly for the woods he protects and only hunts those who become lost within it. His favorite soul to devour is those who mean to harm anything within its boundaries, for they are the most divine tasting.

   Many never see his arms beneath his coat. Some believe he possesses none, though the truth is that he possesses many. They are hidden in the shadow of his outfit and only appear either when he is about to kill one of his victims or the rare times when he must fight someone or something equal to his own power.