


5 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info

How old is Astra?

Appears to be in his late 20s

Is Astra human?

No, Astra is a demon


Astra is one of the butlers that Kane grew up around but Astra was always Kane's favorite. Astra enjoyed serving Kane the most so when Kane asked Astra to leave the estate with him so he can live elsewhere, Astra said yes. Despite Astra's outfit not looking like a stereotypical butler's outfit, he is a beyond amazing butler and serves his master Kane with all he has and then some. He has Kane's typical daily schedule down perfectly and always makes sure there's enough tea and snacks ready for when Nigel drops by even if he's not expected. Being a demon allows Astra to move at a quicker pace than a human butler ever could along with allowing Astra to be more efficient in general. He was trained in how to fight ever since he was a little boy and always wears his knuckle coverings just to be safe. No harm has befallen Kane since he's moved away from the family's mansion but Astra knows he could never forgive himself if harm befell his master. Thus he follows Kane and his best friend Nigel around when they're out and about but never says anything unless he's asked to or has to.