Sunlight on the Waves (Wave)



3 months, 21 days ago


Sunlight on the Waves (Wave)
pirate from the great Sunlight Ocean Clan with an inflated ego and exceptional skill.

Wave, Cat, Tabaxi
nonbinary (he/him, they/them)
rogue and fighter

after escaping a future of slavery from the Fishermen of the North, Wave seeks his way home to continue his position as a pirate. a cheeky fellow, they follow their heart and nature as a tabaxi to guide them through stressful situations and meet unexpected people.

his most prized traits are his silver tongue and flirting with others. of course a means to an end.

Wave is a lover of people and loved by people. he manipulates anything that breathes. however, he genuinely likes to have fun with others. he is a goofy, fun-loving, energetic guy with natural rizz (?). His motto is "live in the moment" and he fits it to a T. they even goof off during missions. he may be flirtatious, but he locks in during missions when he needs to do his job as co-captain of his fleet or pick open a lock. he relies on finesse and skill over raw power.

Battle Experience
Sword Combat
Ranged Combat
Magic Combat
Brute Strength

  • I always have a plan for what to do when things go wrong.
  • The first thing I do in a new place is note the locations of everything valuable—or where such things could be hidden.
  • The best way to get me to do something is to tell me I can’t do it.
  • I don’t pay attention to the risks in a situation. Never tell me the odds.
  • Freedom. Chains are meant to be broken, as are those who would forge them. (Chaotic)
  • My ill-gotten gains go to support my family.
  • Something important was taken from me, and I aim to steal it back.
  • An innocent person is in prison for a crime that I committed. I’m okay with that.
  • When I see something valuable, I can’t think about anything but how to steal it.
  • If there’s a plan, I’ll forget it. If I don’t forget it, I’ll ignore it.
they line their pockets with pick-pocketed items and necessities. if there was no limit, they'd own an entire house worth's of items.

scimitar and rapier

their real weapons are back at home, so they had to pick the weapons off of a guard while escaping. luckily it was items they're proficient in.


a small dagger for emergency situations.

pirate attire

he wears a maroon pirate vest with golden chains connected to it for easier movement. a red sash is tied around his waist. a desaturated slate blue pair of breeches cover his legs and brown boots don his feet. tabaxis cut the boot at the heel and wrap up to the beginning of the paws with bandages. underneath the vest at the waist are pouches connected to two belts.

relax clothing

he wears casual, loose-fitting clothing around the camp and inside of buildings when informal. a white pirate cuffed linen shirt with his breeches are often his go to. sometimes he does sleep in his fighting attire...


  • candles
  • hooded lantern
  • rations
  • rope
  • PLENTY of gold
  • stolen trinkets (varies)
  • moon amulet
  • thieves' tools
  • goblet
  • journal
Wave knows very little. what they do know are simple, yet effective.

Thieves' Cant class-specific beginner

Casting Time

During your rogue training you learned thieves’ cant, a secret mix of dialect, jargon, and code that allows you to hide messages in seemingly normal conversation. Only another creature that knows thieves’ cant understands such messages. It takes four times longer to convey such a message than it does to speak the same idea plainly.

In addition, you understand a set of secret signs and symbols used to convey short, simple messages, such as whether an area is dangerous or the territory of a thieves’ guild, whether loot is nearby, or whether the people in an area are easy marks or will provide a safe house for thieves on the run.

tabaxis are highly secretive groups. Wave has many secrets.


Wave was born into aristocracy in The Sunlit Ocean clan. the clan originates from a chain of islands that rarely receive rain. the island inhabitants are also highly prosperous, hence the Sunlit part of the name. however, not every inhabitant knows that the adventurers/fighters of the clans actually receive the money by pirating and plundering places for riches. his name comes from not only his clan, but his unusual appearance. Wave's father, Golden Shores, is a completely golden Tabaxi, a rarity that rewarded him with aristocracy and plenty of space to make an infamous name of himself due to his skill. Wave's mother, Light Before the Storm, is a greyish-blue toned Tabaxi. achieving a mix like Wave is even rarer than a golden Tabaxi due to golden/blue tortoishell males being difficult to breed, so Wave is treated like a prodigy and good omen for most of his life.

Golden allowed Wave to train with his crew on their ship, The Golden Tail, from the young age of seven. Wave picked up their nack for learning quickly, becoming a fierce fighter and acquiring a thick charm from the people he encountered on the mainland. they'd charmed many, taking every opportunity to steal, con, and eventually bed when they grew of age. usually it was transactional, though sometimes it was because they were genuinely attracted to them.

Wave became the co-captain of The Golden Tail, a ship infamous for it's highly skilled and deadly members. he honed his skill with rapiers and scimitars, allowing for deadly combat with a finesse and martial-type weapon. he became quick on his feet and highly perceptive of any incoming enemies. his fights are usually fast, ending with his opponent dead and barely a nick on him. only a few people, all dead, can claim the couple of miniscule scars that appear on his upper arm/back.


one fateful night, the crew were on the mainland drinking a bar dry. Wave was enjoying himself with his admirers and crew until a group of muscled men came in and sat down at the bar next to him. he drummed up casual conversation, though he carefully watched since they were gruff and suspicious. suddenly, someone attempted to stab him and he deflected, starting a deadly bar fight. after downing several men, a large man came up behind him and smashed a chair over Wave's head, registering him unconscious. The men loaded him into a ship and sailed off.

Several days later, Wave came to in the hull and realized they were chained up. they used their claws to unlock the chains and snuck up behind a guard to gain some speculation. they picked up that the Fishermen of the North, a group of bounty hunters who used swords and fishing gear (mainly harpoons and hooks) as their weapons, were their kidnappers and they were being sold into slavery. they managed to escape after killing the guard, looting the body, and jumping out through a window in the hull. they swam to the nearby shore and charmed the townspeople into giving them information. turns out, they were over five oceans away from their home. they were determined to get back home so they could plunder and adventure again.


Through his new campaign, his character arc is defined by returning home, learning new things, and learning how to open up to others without manipulation and charm. he wants to learn how to make real friends. he also wants A LOT of loot to return with. finally, revenge on the Fishermen of the North is a bonus.

his list of close friends are extremely small, but his familial is expanded. maybe he'll make real friends.



"he's far too talented. I'll become better."

Wave is very close to Golden. their father/child bond is extremely strong. Golden does not care what Wave identifies as or does as long as the child is successful and carries on the family legacy. fortunately, Wave does just that. they are both eerily similar in personality and charm.


"two things I miss: my mother's tender touch and her amazing meals."

Wave loves his mother dearly. Light is a sharp-tongued woman and the definition of the term catty but can turn on the charm when needed. although she has a prickly attitude, everything changes when it comes to family. in a way, it makes Wave feel safe at home and loved when he gets to see Light's smiling face and feel her soft, yet tight hugs.

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