


8 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info














Halfling (Black Wolf on his fathers side.)



Tallason (Known as Tal) is a halfling in his universe, his mother is human and his father is a Black Wolf Morphamal - a creature that takes human form. Because he's a Halfling, his genetic mismatch cause him to retains his tail and ears when he is in his human form. Tallason's true form is his human form, because of his mother's human genes, he can't maintain a wolf form for long, the longest he has gone is 2 days and that was a fight against his father.

Before Tallason was born, his father disappeared off the scene, it caused nothing but problems for his mother and him, problems with society meant that others targeted Tallason whilst he was still a young little boy and attacked both him and his mother, his mother being an outcast the human society for having Tallason. Most of the problems they suffered caused a bitter side towards his father, blaming him for his life and his mothers misery and pain. Problems at home meant that the mother and son duo had to move around quite a bit to the point where Tal's mother left him behind, broken and unable to take care of her unique son.  

Of course at first it was hard for Tal, coping with being left behind but after some years, he eventually became stronger, braver and eventually, able to take care of himself, although this did cause him to fight with others, especially with the Pure Breeds who shunned him! He was on the fence between two worlds that didn't get along, not welcome in either society. He started to show a fighting, violent side to him and when he was about 20 years old, he bumped into his father, a less than pleasant reunion. Angry and ready to fight his father, Tal and the pure bred wolf started going at it like rabid animals, fighting on nothing but pure aggressive instinct. The fight had to go fast because his father was a brute when he was in his feral form and Tal couldn't maintain his form very well at all and his father was pretty strong compared to Tallason.. but after a nasty battle, Tal finally brought his old man down, even if his father did leave a nasty mark down his arm. Has his own reward, he took the pelt of his father and turned it into a throw over his shoulder which Toshi can be found sleeping on sometimes.

Since then, Tal has moved placed to place, running into problems along the way but not all of his story has a down side to it. At some point he came across a little critter who was much like himself, young halfling, Toshi another Wolf. Even though Toshi looked pretty young (Even though he was 18 believe it or not!), Tal took him in as a mate and protects him aggressively.

Fun facts:

o - Tallason gets accused of things due to Toshi's looks even though Toshi is 18 and of age.

o - In his feral form, he struggles to walk on his leg that was damaged in his fight with his father.

o - His boots are these: http://orig00.deviantart.net/f0df/f/2015/202/b/1/boots_by_zafts_prince-d92aaqa.jpg

o - Tallason was 4 when his mother ditched him.

o - Tallason is well informed of going ons around him and who's tracking him thanks to Kane

o - Tallason really doesn't like Kane but hasn't stopped him 'taking a bit' of him in the past before Toshi, Tal and Kain share a similar past.

o - He gets pretty pissed off when Kane teases Toshi, he doesn't attack him but let him know who Toshi belongs to. 

o - As a young boy, his mother put a hat on him and tucked away his tail to send him to school but he was eventually found out, so Tallason was home school'd.

o - As a young boy, his mother told him stories and always told him that she loved him, Tal's still not sure why she left him.  

o - After being abandoned by this mother, he was found by a rabbit half breed who looked after abandoned and orphaned halflings, she helped raise him until he was old enough to fend for himself. 

o - The rabbit is how Tal met Kain and Finch, who were brought in a little after Tal.